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Simple Invest 360

Digital Signing with BGL’s COO Daniel Tramontana

By BGL Update, CAS 360, Industry, New Zealand, Simple Fund 360, Simple Invest 360, TechnologyNo Comments

Browsing through various platforms, it has been great to see the discussions around digital signing.

Digital signing in my view, is a must for any organisation where client signatures are required and where the law permits.

As a software provider, it is important to build into the software design and experience a quality engagement piece that brings to surface the true value of Digital Signing.

At BGL Corporate Solutions, we currently integrate CAS 360 (Australia), CAS 360 (New Zealand), Simple Fund 360 and Simple Invest 360 with DocuSign and Adobe Sign and soon to be released, FuseSign by FuseWorks and PleaseSign.

What differentiates these integrations is that they are built directly into the software.

Well, what does this mean? Simple.

We deeply embed the digital signing solution into the software. We mark up the documents and forms, so that when you deliver a set of documents to your clients, they are ready for digital signing. We allow for easy selection of signing and tracking so users can monitor the status

When complete, we notify you and then store the document as required by the governing bodies and make it easy for you to retrieve.

When it comes to Digital Signing solutions, the end-to-end experience is so important and that is what we make great!

Simple Fund 360 Software Update Release October 2020

By BGL Update, Homepage, Product Updates, Simple Fund 360, Simple Invest 360No Comments

The Simple Fund 360 and Simple Invest 360 teams have delivered their first release for October 2020 with some exciting new features and client wish list items ticked off! Check out the full release notes on the BGL Community >>>

Learn what’s new direct from our product team by attending our New Features Webinar on 13 October at 11:30 AEDT. Register Now >>>

Digital End to End

The team continues its focus on removing paper and improving the digital experience for clients. This October, we have added a new Upload Authority Form feature to make the bank feed authority setup process faster and more secure for clients. We have also made it simpler for clients to upload any CSV files they may have received from clients and keep track of these in our Feed Management screen.

We have simplified the 2020 tax reporting season by providing you with digital distribution tax statement data for over 530 commonly held investments. This update supports:

  • All Vanguard ETFs and popular Vanguard managed investments
  • All BetaShare ETFs
  • All ETFSecurity ETFs

Continuing the digital theme, we have added a Compilation Report and Engagement Letter to the growing list of documents that can now be digitally signed using both Adobe Sign and DocuSign.

For Financial Planning focused firms, we are excited to announce a new Time Weighted Performance page that has been modified from our mobile interface to take advantage of the larger screen real estate. This MOBILE first approach allows both you and your clients to VIEW the same performance data, without the need to switch to a separate Client View application. This is available for both our Simple Fund 360 and Simple Invest 360 Beta Clients.

Client Wish lists

We have managed to tick off several clients wish lists. Users can now view a contact’s mobile and email address directly from the Fund Relationships screen. Plus, the CGT Register Detailed Report when exported to excel now includes the description of CGT transaction.

Order Documents

The Smarter SMSF Order Document page has a fresh new look! In addition, 3 new documents can now be completed, including;

  • Add or Remove a Fund Member
  • Lost Trust Deed
  • Lost Pension Deed (Affirmation and Confirmation)

Simple Invest 360 (Closed Beta)

We have added several new features to Simple Invest 360:

  • Added support for individual investors. Simple Invest 360 now supports all investor types – Individuals, Trusts and Companies.
  • A new Appropriation Statement report now available for Trusts and Companies.
  • A new Tax Reconciliation report now available for Trusts.

Plus, digital signing solutions Adobe Sign and DocuSign are now available for the following documents in Simple Invest 360:

  • Compilation Report Company
  • Compilation Report Trust
  • Trustee Minute – Family Trust
  • Trustee Minute – Unit Trust
  • Trustee Resolution – Family Trust
  • Trustee Resolution – Unit trust
  • Trustee Declaration
  • Directors Declaration

If you are interested in shaping the Early Release of Simple Invest 360, click here to register your interest for closed beta >>>

Don’t forget to register for BGL REGTECH 2020 to see get a sneak peek at Stage 2 of our AI-Powered BGL Smart Docs feature and a look at Simple Invest 360 – the next evolution in automating your Investments for Trusts, Companies and Individuals.

BGL announces closed BETA for Simple Invest 360

By BGL Update, Homepage, Simple Invest 3602 Comments

BGL is proud to announce closed BETA for its new non-super cloud Investment Portfolio software solution, Simple Invest 360!

“The Team have done a great job through the COVID-19 lockdowns to get Simple Invest 360 to closed BETA many months ahead of schedule” said BGL’s Managing Director, Ron Lesh. “We have had many enquiries from clients who have been looking for a non-super investment solution which provides the same level of automation and AI as Simple Fund 360. Simple Invest 360 is that solution”.

“Leveraging the powerful, award-winning technology of our SMSF admin solution Simple Fund 360, together with our ecosystem of over 300+ automated data feeds, Simple Invest 360 will provide a sensational CGT record-keeping and reporting solution for companies and trusts using our smart artificial intelligence powered categorisation and data capture.” added Lesh.

“Simple Invest 360 is built on the Simple Fund 360 general ledger and CGT engine” noted Lesh. “The team has done a superb job of leveraging the power of Simple Fund 360 with corporate actions and trust distribution automation features of Simple Invest 360 and the power of BGL’s double entry general ledger to make data processing smart, simple and flexible”,

If you would like to participate in the Simple Invest 360 open BETA later in 2020, complete the expression of interest form.