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CAS 360 launches in Singapore!

By BGL Update, CAS 360, In the Media, Industry, News, TechnologyNo Comments

BGL is proud to announce the launch of the CAS 360 Company Compliance Solution in Singapore!

“The CAS 360 team has been working tirelessly to build CAS 360 Singapore”, said Ron Lesh, BGL’s Managing Director. “I’m excited to announce the BETA version is now available for our Singapore clients. CAS 360 Company Compliance and Trust Management software will help Singapore company compliance professionals streamline their processes with innovative and unique technology. It will save them heaps of time so they can focus on their many, many other responsibilities.”

“BGL is the first business approved by Singapore’s Accounting and Corporate Regulatory Authority (ACRA) to lodge Company Annual Returns electronically in Singapore” added Lesh. “Our CAS 360 Team has worked tirelessly with ACRA to help make the Singapore electronic filing system work for software providers. The first stage is Annual Returns and company data downloads with the electronic lodgement of company change documents available later in 2021.”

“CAS 360 Singapore supports the preparation of the forms and documents required for Company Address, Company Officers and Company Shareholder changes in Singapore” noted Lesh. “CAS 360 also supports the Singapore XBRL for the preparation and lodgement of XBRL Financial Statements with ACRA. CAS 360 is the complete package and will provide the same incredible efficiencies for our Singapore clients as we do for 500,000+ companies in Australia”.

BGL has been operating in Singapore for over 20 years and has over 400 businesses using our market-leading CAS Desktop Singapore software. “CAS 360 is the natural progression for our clients” says Lesh

“As a trusted company with over 30 years of experience and innovation in Regtech, BGL can guarantee our clients will always be compliant with ACRA’s requirements”.

GuestTrack connects to the VIC Government COVID-19 Check-in System

By BGL Update, In the Media, Industry, News, TechnologyNo Comments

BGL Corporate Solutions proudly announce that GuestTrack, our QR code-driven and browser-based COVID-19 check-in solution, is now connected to the Victorian DHHS via Victorian Government Visitation API!

Built using BGL’s multi-award winning BGL SmartDocs technology, GuestTrack was launched in mid-2020 as a free QR code check-in app for businesses. Since then, almost 20,000 businesses throughout Australia and overseas have implemented GuestTrack as their check-in solution. 

From the end of April 2021, all Victorian businesses and organisations using electronic record-keeping must only use QR Code providers who are connected to the Victorian Government Visitation API, and GuestTrack is 1 of 3 approved applications. “I’m so proud of the team! They’re continually working to further develop this amazing app for the community”, said Ron Lesh, BGL’s Managing Director.

“GuestTrack connecting with VIC DHHS Visitation API will allow contact tracers to request check-in data directly from GuestTrack system in case of a COVID-19 outbreak. Visitors’ names, contact numbers, check-in dates and times are extracted from GuestTrack to help contact tracers” noted Lesh.

“What started out as an initiative to help our clients’ clients, has turned out to be a spectacular tool. Apps like GuestTrack will be a necessity for all organisations for years to come” says Lesh.

Since its release in 2020, GuestTrack now supports over 18,000 organisations across 183 countries with a satisfaction rate of 99.88% and over 21 million guest check-ins.

“This has been a great opportunity for BGL to give back to the community” added Lesh. “From an idea at Saturday brunch to 21 million check-ins in 9 months is a fantastic achievement by the BGL Team.”

To find out more about GuestTrack, go to 

The future of BGL’s Simple Fund Desktop

By BGL Update, Homepage, NewsNo Comments

Below is an email I sent to Simple Fund Desktop clients today.

If this affects you, please speak to your BGL account manager


I am writing to advise you of the future of your BGL Simple Fund Desktop software.

As you would be aware, there will be a number of significant changes to superannuation law in the 2021 calendar year. These changes include indexation of the pension cap of $1.6m, Superstream Rollovers and the ability to have 6 members in an SMSF.

BGL has made the decision to not make these changes to Simple Fund Desktop and therefore 30 June 2021 will be the last tax release of Simple Fund Desktop.

BGL launched Simple Fund Desktop in 1997. This software has had an incredible life but eventually all good things must come to an end.

BGL will continue to support Simple Fund Desktop clients. No date for the cessation of support has been set and we know it will take a while for all clients to move to Simple Fund 360.

What’s next?

Simple Fund 360 is the natural move for Simple Fund Desktop clients. Migration is seamless and ALL data and reports are migrated from Simple Fund Desktop to Simple Fund 360, meaning you do not lose ANY of your valuable data.

To prepare for your transition to Simple Fund 360, it’s best to start early by:

  1. Reaching out to your Account Manager
  2. Preparing your funds for migration
  3. Signing up to Simple Fund 360
  4. Setting up your data feeds

My Account Management and Client Success Team are here to help make your move absolutely seamless. I have asked them to reach out to you in the coming weeks to help you get started but if you would like to contact us, please call on 1300 654 401.

Finally, let me thank you for being a Simple Fund Desktop client. For many of you, I know Simple Fund Desktop has been a part of your lives for a very long time. I hope Simple Fund 360 will help you continue this remarkable experience

BGL very concerned about Total Balance Cap indexation

By BGL Update, Homepage, Industry, NewsNo Comments

BGL is very concerned about the practical implementation of the indexation of the Total Balance Cap.

“It’s simply too complicated” said BGL’s Managing Director, Ron Lesh. “Indexing the $1.6m cap to $1.7m is not the problem – it’s the partial indexation where a person has already commenced a pension that is crazy.”

“There are 2 real problems with partial indexation.

1. Potentially every person can now have a different total balance cap, and
2. Access to ATO total balance cap data is not readily available.

This makes these changes a nightmare for SMSF advisers” says Lesh. “The ATO and Treasury have known for 2 + years that this will be a problem but have done nothing about it. BGL and many others have been asking for API access to ATO total balance cap data, but our requests have been ignored – it’s simply not good enough.”

“Something needs to be done – and fast”

“The Government needs to find a solution to this – fast” added Lesh. “The simplest is to remove partial indexation and increase the total balance cap for everyone to $1.7m. This removes the complexity and is fairer than some of the other solutions. Why should the date a person commences a pension determine how much that pension should be? Clearly this is unfair”

“BGL needs to implement these changes in our market leading Simple Fund 360 SMSF admin software by 1 July 2021. Implementing partial indexation without access to ATO total balance cap data is going to result in many errors” noted Lesh. “Something needs to be done – and fast”.

BGL has over 6,000 clients representing over 200,000 SMSFs using it’s multi award winning Simple Fund 360 SMSF admin software. “It would be really nice if the government took into account the practical implementation issues of the legislation and made changes to help accountants who have already beared the brunt of the work around JobKeeper of the past 12 months” Lesh said.