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New Zealand

Digital Signing with BGL’s COO Daniel Tramontana

By BGL Update, CAS 360, Industry, New Zealand, Simple Fund 360, Simple Invest 360, TechnologyNo Comments

Browsing through various platforms, it has been great to see the discussions around digital signing.

Digital signing in my view, is a must for any organisation where client signatures are required and where the law permits.

As a software provider, it is important to build into the software design and experience a quality engagement piece that brings to surface the true value of Digital Signing.

At BGL Corporate Solutions, we currently integrate CAS 360 (Australia), CAS 360 (New Zealand), Simple Fund 360 and Simple Invest 360 with DocuSign and Adobe Sign and soon to be released, FuseSign by FuseWorks and PleaseSign.

What differentiates these integrations is that they are built directly into the software.

Well, what does this mean? Simple.

We deeply embed the digital signing solution into the software. We mark up the documents and forms, so that when you deliver a set of documents to your clients, they are ready for digital signing. We allow for easy selection of signing and tracking so users can monitor the status

When complete, we notify you and then store the document as required by the governing bodies and make it easy for you to retrieve.

When it comes to Digital Signing solutions, the end-to-end experience is so important and that is what we make great!

CAS 360 New Features February 2020

By New Zealand, NZ CAS 360, NZ Product UpdateNo Comments

We are pumped to share with you two sensational new key features for CAS 360 New Zealand clients:

  • A brand-new Annual Return workflow
  • A company health check tool

Annual Return workflow

CAS 360 firms have been blown away with how easy it is to prepare and file Annual Returns with the NZ Companies Office. Now, we have added a new set of workflows to make the Annual Return process even better, by allowing you to visualise all your Annual Returns and see if they have been processed, filed or overdue.

Company health check

CAS 360 now automatically checks your company data with the Companies Office every day. This ensures your CAS 360 company data is always up-to-date and means if your client makes changes to their company, this is what you will see

To see CAS 360 in action, watch our pre-recorded product demonstration:

Watch CAS 360 Demo!