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BGL appoints Chin Tea as Simple Fund 360 Connected Services Manager

By BGL Update, Culture, Meet the BGLersNo Comments

BGL is proud to announce the appointment of Chin Tea as its new Simple Fund 360 Connected Services Team Manager.

“It has been a pleasure to watch Chin develop and thrive both personally and professionally during her time at BGL” said Ron Lesh, BGL’s Managing Director. “Chin has been a valued and talented member of the BGL Team for 9 years and we could not be prouder to see her lead BGL’s Connected Services Team into the future.”

A qualified CPA, Chin joined the BGL Team as a Support Consultant and Product Trainer, travelling across Australia and overseas to Singapore and Hong Kong to conduct training for BGL clients. With a wealth of knowledge on BGL’s products, a passion for leadership and Agile project management, Chin has also held positions in the Data Services Team as Business Analyst/Tester and the Connected Services Team as Business Analyst, contributing significantly to BGL throughout her career.

As the Simple Fund 360 Connected Services Team Manager, Chin’s new role is to grow BGL’s expansive data feed integration list, while ensuring the continuance of data accuracy and integrity. Her role maintains and promotes existing relationships with partners, while also establishing new relationships with partners to further benefit BGL clients.

“As I step into my new role, I want to thank Ron, Daniel, Jeevan and Brad for giving me this opportunity. I have big shoes to fill, however, I am very excited and look forward to delivering great solutions to our clients,” said Chin Tea. “Teamwork makes the dream work and I have an amazing team behind me.”

BGL’s free and open API is highly regarded and used extensively across the industry with over 350 data feed and integration partners in the BGL Ecosystem delivering a holistic experience to our clients.

BGL appoints Brad Wilkinson as Head of Ecosystem

By BGL Update, CultureNo Comments

BGL is proud to announce the appointment of Brad Wilkinson as its new Head of Ecosystem.

“It’s fantastic to see the Team embrace opportunity and rise up the ranks at BGL” said Ron Lesh, BGL’s Managing Director. “We are proud to have an extraordinary talent pool at BGL that allows us to promote internally rather than seek externally for senior Team members. Brad has been a valued and talented member of the BGL Team for 12 years and is perfectly suited to lead BGL’s Ecosystem Team into the future.”

As a certified SCRUM Master (CSM) with a Bachelor of Accounting, Banking and Finance, Brad is an experienced leader with a passion for software development and project management. Joining BGL in 2010, Brad has contributed significantly to BGL throughout his career with roles including Support Consultant, Data and Business Analyst and most recently, Product Manager – Connected Services. 

“In his role as Product Manager – Connected Services, Brad and his team were responsible for adding more than 250 data feeds, contributing to the 40,000+ daily transactions processed through BGL’s Ecosystem” added Lesh. “With Brad’s experience connecting the dots between data providers and BGL’s products CAS 360, Simple Fund 360 and Simple Invest 360, the Ecosystem Team is well positioned to continue to lead the industry in connectivity in the years ahead.”

BGL’s free and open API is highly regarded and used extensively across the industry with over 350 data feed and integration partners in the BGL Ecosystem delivering a holistic experience to our clients. 

BGL appoints Jeevan Tokhi as Head of Simple Fund 360

By BGL Update, CultureNo Comments

BGL Corporate Solutions is proud to announce the appointment of Jeevan Tokhi as its new Head of Simple Fund 360.

“It has been a pleasure to watch Jeevan grow and thrive with us both personally and professionally, since he joined BGL in 2005” said Ron Lesh, BGL’s Managing Director. “We could not be prouder to see Jeevan rise up the ranks to head our Simple Fund 360 product team and make it his own.”

As qualified CPA (SMSF Specialist) and accredited SMSF Specialist Advisor (SSA) with a strong technical background and relentless focus on the clients, Jeevan has contributed significantly to BGL throughout his career with roles including Support Consultant, Business and Test Analyst, Simple Fund Desktop Product Manager, Simple Fund 360 Product Manager and most recently, Head of Ecosystem. 

“I have enjoyed building leading, innovative software applications by focusing on BGL’s clients’ needs and will continue to do so” noted Jeevan Tokhi.

“Jeevan is perfectly positioned and qualified to lead Simple Fund 360 into the future” added Lesh. “With his vision for Simple Fund 360 and experience working with BGL’s flagship products, CAS 360 and Simple Invest 360, our clients are in for an incredible journey. Watch this space!” 

Simple Fund 360 is Australia’s leading self-managed super fund (SMSF) administration software solution with over 7,100 clients managing over 243,000 funds on the platform.

BGL celebrates Daniel Tramontana’s 25 years

By BGL Update, CultureNo Comments

BGL is proud to congratulate Daniel Tramontana, our Chief Operations Officer, who recently celebrated 25 at BGL.

“It’s not something that happens often these days” said Ron Lesh, BGL’s Managing Director. “Daniel joined BGL on 10 February 1997 in the support team. I would never have thought he would still be with us after 25 years”.

1997 was a big year at BGL. Not only did Daniel join the team, but BGL released Simple Fund, Simple Invest and Simple ledger. Previously, our only software product was the Corporate Affairs System (CAS). Daniel added a new area of competency to our support and training teams as he brought with him a Bachelor of Computer Science & Accounting.

Through his time at BGL, Daniel obtained a Master in Business Administration and a Six Sigma Black Belt qualification.

Daniel’s contribution to BGL has been enormous. From support to client and team training, to helping BGL grow from a business of 10 people to a business of 180 people – he has had his hand in every pie and BGL would not be where it is today without him.

“My BGL journey has been extraordinary” noted Daniel Tramontana. “Our success is directly attributed to the incredibly loyal and committed team of people. To be able to serve and work alongside such talented people has been an honour and a privilege that I do not take for granted. It is with great anticipation that I am able to take the next step and continue to drive and grow the business.”

“I would personally like to thank Daniel” added Lesh. “His contribution over the 25 years has been incredible and I am so privileged to have worked with someone of his calibre for such a long period of time”

Celebrating 25 years of service

By BGL Update, CultureNo Comments

Today marks 25 years of service at BGL Corporate Solutions. That equates to 53% of my life being involved with a business, team and community that I love. Stop trying to guess how old I was when started. Ron Lesh says 15! I will take that.

As an individual, I am truly humbled and grateful to be able to be involved in and to serve in an organisation that is truly a remarkable success story.

From the greatest of moments to the darkest of times, central to all of this is people. And today it is the very people who have helped define me, believed in me, mentored me and stood by me that I want to celebrate.

The people that I have come to know, love and serve are the greatest part of the story.

BGL Corporate Solutions team, I thank and admire each and everyone one of you. Your relentless commitment to each other, our products, clients and community is amazing. You are the reason we are where we are today.

Matthew Crofts, Adriana Cavallo, Warren Renden, Jeevan Tokhi, Anthony Costa, S. Adrian Muscan , Ashley Avileli, James Luo + Dubi Laviati (so many more I could add) your friendship and support allows me to do what I do.

To the many great clients, prospects, partners and Ecosystem members that I have come to know and crossed paths with, it is an honor working with you and being of service to you. Your belief and support of BGL Corporate Solutions is an important part of who we are today. I applaud you.

One of the greatest joys has been, some of the friendships that have evolved. Friends that will be for life. You know who you are. Your constant check-ins, chats and trust are something I dearly value. Thank you!

Danni Tramontana my wife + friend, you are my rock.

Ron Lesh. I am grateful for your belief, loyalty, support, encouragement and friendship. You are an incredible #leader. You have been and continue to be an important figure and influence. You have helped define me, making me a better person and servant of the people. You have also positioned me for an exciting future that I look forward to stepping into knowing that I have had the best example and mentor.

And now, let’s bring on another 25 years! Yes, well past 65 years of age but with CAS 360 (Australia), Simple Fund 360 + Simple Invest 360, I will have most of my compliance matters automated so I can spend time doing that which I love and that is working at BGL Corporate Solutions.

Check out our video!

We had a lot of fun making this video and hope it makes you smile! Enjoy!

I found myself a hidden gem

By CultureNo Comments

You can tell from the moment you interview with BGL that there is love and care that radiates out of this business

In my first week at BGL Corporate Solutions, I could already tell that I had found myself a hidden gem.

Free food, glorious perks and welcoming staff aside, you can tell from the moment you interview with BGL that there is love and care that radiates out of this business.

My first introduction with BGL was intimidating to say the least – I was interviewed by none other than the ‘L’ in BGL Ron Lesh (MD) and his right-hand man, Daniel Tramontana (COO). But very quickly I felt comforted when they began talking about the BGL Culture.

There was a quote that has stuck with me from that day where Daniel said, “you can be the best marketer in the world, but if you don’t fit in with the culture then it is not going to work out”. That’s when I knew, this was more than what skills I can bring to the table but what do I bring as an individual.

I’d be lying if I told you that a large FinTech company was the top of my dream workplace list, but then again, I couldn’t tell you what was. At the end of the day, a company that values you, invests in you and makes you feel right at home (even within the first few weeks) … that’s very rare. That’s at the top of the list. That’s what I have found at BGL.

More to come…

Written by Chloe Chadwick, Marketing Manager at BGL Corporate Solutions. 

We have an endemic of leadership in this country

By Culture, Industry, Tramma Time, WellnessNo Comments

We have an endemic of leadership in this country. The biggest threat to our nation and people is not the virus. It is in fact many of our leaders.

As a 1st generation migrant, I was so proud to call this country home. So proud when I traveled overseas to boast about the beauty of our landscape, freedoms and wonderful opportunities available to all. Friends and family would engage with me with a sense of envy of the beautiful country of Australia.

Today I am not so proud. Today I am disappointed that the fabric which once distinguished our very country from the rest of the world has been torn apart.

In my VIEW, the deterioration of our society across this nation is directly attributed to our leaders. Many of our leaders have forgotten that their purpose is to serve the people. To set the stage, creating a society that is united and overflowing with opportunity. A society that is inclusive, considerate and respectful. One where differing views are accommodated, respectfully discussed, and embraced. One where an individual is not mocked or shamed for communicating a deeply held belief.

Instead, many of our leaders have caused a deeply divided Australia. One where people’s choices have been eroded and mandates have been forced. Compliance has been heralded and bragged about as great leadership. I instead view it as an abuse of power and coercion to force outcomes. People forced to make a choice between putting food on the table and or going without, is not a choice. For some, it may be, but for many, it’s about dignity, provision and survival.

Consider the recent protests in Melbourne where those who attended branded extremists. A small % may well be, the majority however are not. They are normal everyday Victorians who are appealing to the tone-deafness of our leaders. What I can not believe is the government officials not presenting themselves before the people to hear their cries and address their needs. Instead, with arrogance and contempt, they press on because the preservation of their pride and the need to be right is far more important than doing the right thing for the people.

Countless decisions by many of our leaders and their behaviors leave much to be desired. For many in power, their experience and qualifications (huge lack of) to hold a position has me questioning the validity and competence of those elected to run a proper economy, education and health system. Let me ask a question, would you let an accountant perform a knee reconstruction? Absolutely not. The reality is, many of our leaders are elected on personality, popularity, spin and how big their budgets are to run good campaigns. Being friends with those in power also seems to be an important checkbox to be ticked when assessing the suitability of a candidate. Very obvious is the fact that qualifications and experience are not part of the recruitment equation.

We need an overhaul of leadership in this country.

We need people to step up who are competent, qualified and most importantly invested in this great country and its people.

People who will push aside the narrative, take a stance and truly represent the people that trust them to lead.

Tramma Time: The Great Mitigation.

By Culture, Industry, Tramma Time, WellnessNo Comments

The great mitigation.

There has been a lot of talk and publications across the world talking about the Great Resignation. For various reasons, it is estimated that a significant percentage of the workforce is looking to switch jobs when things go back to the new version of normal.

Let’s not sugar-coat this. This is a potential threat to business. Let’s face it, losing good people is hard at the best of times. Given the current shortage of labour right now and the difficulty with recruitment, losing good people will have an impact on us, our clients and the businesses that we run.

While there is a focus on the resignation, I want to turn this on its head and focus on The Great Mitigation.

What do I mean by this? Simple. I would like to explore how we as business owners and leaders can work to minimise resignations and keep the people who are key to our business.

We cannot control the external environment; we can control our internal one. This is the place of our greatest influence and control.

As I reflect on what we have done at BGL and from my personal observations, here are my top 10 tips to help you retain your people.

  1. Culture – great culture attracts and retains people. Define it. Be intentional about it. Dedicate time to it daily. Culture is not set and forget. It requires hard work, resources and intent.
  2. Training – all team members need a training plan. Clearly defined and documented. By investing in people, you will grow and retain them.
  3. Know your people – it’s all about relationships. Take the time to know your staff. Invest time in them and let them know you care. Ensure that you are accessible and present. Take the time to have conversations and reconnect with your people. Organisation company-wide and smaller team events is also a good way to connect with people and will ensure people are connected again.
  4. Flexibility – it is fair to say that going back to the office 5 days a week, is a thing of the past. Speak to your team. Involve your people and come up with a plan that supports a good balance and meets the needs of your business.
  5. Review salaries – undertake a review of all salaries. Make the necessary adjustments. Get on the front foot and don’t allow salary to be the determining factor why good people leave. Of course, there are limitations but engage in the conversations openly.
  6. Eliminate fear – communicate your commitment to employee well-being and safety. Make clear the resources and investment you are prepared to make to help them through and support them in the best way possible.
  7. Recognise and reward – you, your team and your clients have endured a lot over the past 18 months. Recognise and reward the efforts of those who deserve it. Take a moment to also recognise your clients in a small way.
  8. Measure engagement – I do not see many organisations do this. It is so important to know how invested your people are and to what extent they believe they are part of the journey. There are many great products out there that not only make it easy for you to measure engagement, but they also provide guides on how to improve it.
  9. Language – eliminate negative talk. Minimise the time spent living in and talking about the past. For many people, this will trigger responses that can be negative. Inspire hope and optimism by using words that bring life, hope and the aspiration for a better future.
  10. Define your why – make what people are coming back to exciting. Articulate a picture of the future that is exciting, inclusive, full of opportunities and at the same time challenging. Capture the hearts and minds of people by believing in them and allowing them to be the best version of themselves.

I just want to encourage you that the possibility before us really is limited to our thinking. Our actions, behaviours and belief in people will make all the difference as to the culture and ultimately the business we build.

Your investment in your people and culture makes a difference.

What are you going to change today?

BGL commits to supporting mental health and wellbeing

By BGL Update, CultureNo Comments

BGL is proud to announce 25 members of its leadership team are now accredited Mental Health First Aiders.

“I am incredibly proud of the team” said Ron Lesh, BGL’s Managing Director. “With the help of Joel Clapham, Founder and Chief Mental Health Champ at Hearten Up, all 25 members of the BGL leadership team are now accredited Mental Health First Aiders. This equates to 1 trained Mental Health First Aider for every 7 BGL team members.”

“Our team has worked tirelessly through 2020/21 to produce sensational, award-winning software for our clients. Supporting their mental health and wellbeing now and into the future has never been more important” continued Lesh. “Providing our leaders with the opportunity to become accredited Mental Health First Aiders is just one of the many initiatives we have implemented over the past 2 years to better support our team.” 

Since December 2019, BGL has provided all team members and their immediate families with a complimentary Employee Assistance Program (EAP) through Relationship Matters, a not-for-profit organisation with highly trained professional counsellors who are there to help our people deal with whatever issues are impacting on their lives.

“Supporting our people’s mental health and wellbeing isn’t just a nice thing to have in brochures and policies – it is essential for any business who truly cares about their people,” said Lesh. 

In recognition of the hard work and resilience of the team over the past months, BGL will be closed for a team Thank You Day on Monday 1 November 2021. No live services will be available on this day.

If you would like to join the BGL Team, check us out at

BGL has been recognised on the 2021 AFR BOSS Best Places to Work List as the 6th best technology workplace in Australia & New Zealand!