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CAS 360

BGL passes 750,000 entities in the cloud…

By BGL Update, CAS 360, Homepage, Simple Fund 360No Comments

Many people think business is all about numbers. But it’s not.

Business is really about people. Business is about building a great team and supporting that team through thick or thin.

BGL has great people who have built absolutely extraordinary computer software products. CAS 360 and Simple Fund 360 are sensational software solutions and are clearly #1 in their classes. Let me repeat that: Clearly #1.

They are #1 when it comes to numbers but they are not #1 because of the numbers.

They are #1 because they solve many problems for our clients in innovative ways and with software that is of exceptional quality. They are #1 because we listen to our clients and we put into our software what our clients want.

And because we look for new ways to help our clients be more efficient. Accounting workpapers, BGL SmartDocs and digital signing in Simple Fund 360 are examples of unique features only available in our software solutions. Automation, reliability and ASIC compliance are exceptional features in CAS 360.

Passing 750,000 entities in the cloud is a fantastic achievement. My team should be incredibly proud of what they have achieved over the past 6 years. BGL set its BHAG of connecting 1,000,000 people to our products by 2020 in 2014. This was a big hairy audacious goal when at the time we had maybe 10,000 connections. We would never have thought in our wildest dreams that we would reach this target – and reach it 1 year early – but we did. We did because of the contribution of every current and past member of the BGL Team.

Our new BHAG is even more audacious. But I am confident that working together with the right people in the right seats on the bus, the right culture and the right focus we will achieve this too.

The past 6 months have been pretty depressing in Victoria. And I hope by now our team realised they have done nothing wrong. They have not caused this mess. They have done the right thing all the way through this government caused disaster.

I am really proud of what we have achieved working together so far this year. We have won many awards for our software and the national Australian Achiever award for our customer service. Providing first class customer service has always been a priority at BGL so it is fantastic see a 99%+ CSAT (Customer Satisfaction) score across our support services.

But none of this happens without leadership. I am really proud of how the BGL leadership has worked together through this time to ensure our team are happy, healthy, safe and productive.

We will get out of this mess soon. And we will come out stronger for the experience. I have always been an optimist. It is a shame my optimism does not extend to our politicians – what a sad and (not) sorry bunch they are. I am confident about BGL, our business and our country eventually getting out of this mess caused by a plethora of incompetent politicians and public servants. These people are simply out of their depth.

To my Team, a HUGE thank you. You are a great bunch of people and you thoroughly deserve all the success and rewards that have come and will come your way.

And guys, please do check out our 750,000 entities commemorative video on YouTube






BGL announces integration with GreatSoft

By BGL Update, CAS 360, Homepage, Simple Fund 360No Comments

BGL announces a two-way integration with GreatSoft.

The company has recently announced a two-way integration with GreatSoft. This two-way integration will allow any changes made to client details in GreatSoft Practice Manager to automatically update the CAS 360 and Simple Fund 360 database. Plus, in CAS 360, the user is prompted to prepare all the relevant ASIC compliance documents. Furthermore, if the contact details are changed in either Simple Fund 360 or CAS 360, this change is automatically updated in GreatSoft Practice Manager.

“This is a huge achievement for the API team”, said Ron Lesh, BGL’s Managing Director. “It will help many clients using both software solutions as mutual GreatSoft Practice Manager and BGL Simple Fund 360 / CAS 360 clients are now able to have just a single database – the ultimate goal of any professional firm.” Added Lesh.

“The challenge for firms is to improve the quality and accuracy of their data by eliminating data silos and reducing the number of out of sync databases that have been created as a result of lack of integration across suppliers”, said CEO of GreatSoft, Brian Armstrong.

“Accurate and easy access to client and compliance information is important to any accounting firm, and our integration with BGL provides the industry with a scalable cloud-based practice management and compliance solution, which delivers a 360° view of the client and a single source of truth. This gives practices the freedom and flexibility to create a truly integrated cloud practice ecosystem built on an open platform” added Armstrong.

“When software talks seamlessly to each other, it is a win-win for BGL, GreatSoft and our clients”, stated Lesh. CAS 360 and Simple Fund 360 now support over 350 integration partners including banks, brokers, wraps, platforms, registries, practice management solutions, actuaries, document providers and many more.

About GreatSoft

GreatSoft addresses the gap that exists in the market for a scalable, integrated cloud practice management solution that meets the needs of progressive accounting firms, including mid-tier and large firms.

GreatSoft is a proven solution that is used by over 1000 accounting firms in 15 countries. We work with some of the leading Accounting & Auditing firms in Australia and New Zealand to connect their practice ecosystems and use APIs to build a 360° unified view of the client and a single source of truth.

BGL announces integration with ChangeGPS

By BGL Update, CAS 360, Homepage, Simple Fund 360No Comments

BGL proudly announces integration of Blueprint by ChangeGPS with CAS 360 and Simple Fund 360. Blueprint is designed to help accountants provide structure advice to their clients by generating easy to understand and automated structure charts.

“It’s great to have ChangeGPS as part of the BGL Ecosystem”, says Ron Lesh, BGL’s Managing Director. “ChangeGPS provides Australia’s leading tools designed to help automate day-to-day tasks for cloud-based accounting firms. The integration with BGL’s CAS 360 will save our mutual clients time and money, remove complicated data entry and time-consuming chart creation as well as provide efficiency gains and improve the communication with their respective clients by extracting CAS 360 data through our API to automatically generate smart, easy to understand and complete business structure charts”.

Blueprint by ChangeGPS extracts data from BGL’s CAS 360 and creates a structure chart using relationship information. Traditionally, clients find it difficult to understand their business structure and a chart is great but can often take up to an hour to prepare. Using BGL’s API, Blueprint will extract company, trust, super fund, officer, shareholder, beneficiary, unit holder and other entity relationships. Once the data is extracted, users will be easily be able to modify the chart to meet their needs and the needs of their clients. Blueprint is designed to help clients instantly understand the accountant’s advice – making it much easier for them to say “yes” to structure advice. Blueprint can also generate $1,000’s of extra revenue each month.

“We are thrilled to boost our legendary blueprint structure advice with information from BGL’s corporate compliance data set. This will give accountants more time back whilst having powerful information to communicate structure advice to clients” David Boyar, CEO

“At BGL, we are a strong advocate of developing ecosystem partnerships that help our clients to work better with their clients. Partnering with ChangeGPS is an example of two leading technology providers collaborating for the benefit of both our clients”, adds Lesh. BGL currently has over 350 partners in our Ecosystem.

CAS 360 Software Update Release July 2020

By BGL Update, CAS 360, Homepage, Product UpdatesNo Comments

Hi All,

For the July CAS 360 update, we have focused heavily again on Trust management. Our aim has always been to have the best trust management feature set in Australia and New Zealand. Building on our release of Trust relationships in June, our new feature Trust Events takes this to the next level.

Trust Events is a new tab that has been added to all the trusts in CAS 360. Inside this tab, you now have a huge amount of new functionality. You can now store and record all asset, liability, gifting, income, and expense transactions for a trust.

This will give you a snapshot of all this information for each trust. Also, as years go by you will be able to add transactions for capital improvements, changes in value and forgiving of loans.

Best of all when any of these transactions takes place, CAS 360 will prepare the required supporting documents, which can then be reviewed by your Partner or Manager and delivered by email to your client for electronic signing.

In this release, we have also added a dedicated Documents tab to each trust allowing users to see all stored documents for each trust and also upload any other documents associated with the trust.

Also, new options have been added when preparing company registers. As CAS 360 supports up to 10 decimal places for unit registers and share registers, we have added an option to allow you to select how many appear, so for those difficult companies or unit trusts that go to 7 or 8 decimal places CAS 360 has you covered.

Users are now also able to select the name order to the Company Members Register & Unitholders Register, users can select to have this register ordered in First Name, Surname or Surname, First Name.

We have also improved the way joint members are ordered on Company Member and Trust Unitholder registers, the joint member will now be ordered by the First Name or Surname of the first representative.

This update also includes improvements to the officer’s screen and updated NZ form 9 template and API improvements.

To gain the most from our new features, attend our webinar on Wednesday, 19 August 2020 at 11:30 AEST. Register Now >>>

To read the full release notes, please visit the BGL Community >>>

It is disappointing to see some software providers price gouging

By BGL Update, CAS 360, Homepage, Simple Fund 360No Comments

I was contacted today by a client who advised me one of their software providers saw the current crisis as an opportunity to price gouge. The firm had been using this other software for a while and was certainly not wrapped with the software or the service but had stuck it out for a while. We all know what that is like. The fear of changing is worse than the fear of staying!

But then this software provider decided to increase the price of their software right in the middle of these difficult times. What chutzpah!

I am appalled – and so was the client.

At BGL, we want to help clients (and potential clients) not to screw them over.

So, we are offering our desktop clients, cloud clients and new clients a buy now, don’t pay until 1 July 2020 investment opportunity.


If you are a current CAS 360 client, increase your number of companies today and you will not pay for the new companies until 1 July 2020.

If you are a current Simple Fund 360 client, increase your number of funds today and you will not pay for the new funds until 1 July 2020 (this included bank data and share data services).

If you are a CAS Desktop client, migrate your companies to CAS 360 today and you will not pay anything until 1 July 2020.

If you are a Simple Fund Desktop client, migrate your funds to Simple Fund 360 today and you will not pay anything until 1 July 2020.

If you are a not a BGL client, talk to us about moving to CAS 360 and / or Simple Fund 360. Sign up today and you will not pay anything until 1 July 2020.

And to all our clients

Thank you for your support over the past few weeks.

We have 150 team members working from home all doing their very best to service you through these difficult times.