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CAS 360

Get involved in our CAS 360 Education Week!

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Get involved in our CAS 360 Education Week | 6 - 10 June 2022

Did you know, some CAS 360 clients use just 10% of its features? 😲

Our team is always releasing new features to help improve your productivity and it’s our MISSION to ensure you are getting the absolute best out of CAS 360!

Introducing our very first CAS 360 Education Week!
A full week dedicated to developing your CAS 360 knowledge with free webinars, how-to videos, discussion groups, tips, tricks and more!

Learn more and register

Kicking off on Monday 6 June, we will be running a series of 30-minute webinars highlighting the key features in CAS 360 you NEED to know about.

Plus, we will be sharing a new video every day on the BGL Community, to spark conversation between users and BGL Team members where we can swap tips and tricks and share experiences – you won’t want to miss out!

Missed any of the webinars?
Keep an eye on BGL’s YouTube Channel for the recordings!

BGL launches CAS 360 in Singapore

By BGL Update, CAS 360No Comments

BGL launches CAS 360 in Singapore

BGL is proud to announce the highly anticipated commercial release of its company secretarial software solution in Singapore, CAS 360. 

“This is a huge milestone for BGL and I’m extremely proud of the CAS 360 team” said Ron Lesh, BGL’s Managing Director. “The team has been working tirelessly over the past 5 years to develop CAS 360 Singapore and we’re excited to be able to release a sensational product to the Singapore market”. 

BGL has had a presence in Singapore for over 20 years, with over 400 businesses using its market-leading Corporate Affairs System (CAS) desktop software. CAS 360 is the natural progression for our clients, and we’ve already had a great deal of interest with over 31,000 active companies added to the BETA since April 2021. 

“CAS 360 will help accounting firms and corporate service providers in Singapore efficiently manage their company compliance for Singapore entities with its innovative technology and superior automation” continued Lesh. “CAS 360 prepares all the forms, minutes / resolutions, registers and other documents required for the Annual Return and common changes made by Singapore companies. CAS 360 also supports the Singapore XBRL for the preparation and automated electronic lodgement of XBRL Financial Statements”. 

“BGL worked with Singapore’s Accounting and Corporate Regulatory Authority (ACRA) to help make the Singapore electronic filing system work for software providers,” added Lesh. “BGL is proud to be the first company secretarial software provider approved by ACRA to lodge Company Annual Returns electronically in Singapore.”

CAS 360 is the complete package and will provide the same incredible efficiencies for our Singapore clients as it does for 650,000+ companies in Australia and New Zealand. CAS 360, Hong Kong is due for release to BETA in Quarter 3, 2022. 

For more information, please visit www.bglcorp.com.sg 

BGL adds Company Constitutions to CAS 360!

By BGL Update, CAS 360No Comments

BGL is proud to announce the release of Company Constitutions in its cloud-based ASIC corporate compliance and trust management software solution, CAS 360.

“Another great achievement by the BGL team” said Ron Lesh, BGL’s Managing Director. “This was a highly requested feature and it’s fantastic to have some of the industry’s leading document providers partner with us on this integration.”

Changes to CAS 360 in September 2021 made it easier than ever for clients to lodge company incorporations with ASIC from CAS 360. Now, through BGL’s partnership with leading document providers Entity Makers, LightYear Docs and Smarter SMSF, clients can purchase a company constitution directly from CAS 360.

A company constitution is a legal document that defines how a company can operate. It also sets out the rights and duties of people in the company such as members, directors, and the company secretary.

“By integrating with several document providers, our clients can choose who they purchase their constitutions from. That’s what makes CAS 360 unique” added Lesh. “The BGL Ecosystem has 350+ partners and we will continue to grow our partnerships in this area.”

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CAS 360 Product Update – March 2022

By BGL Update, CAS 360No Comments

The CAS 360 March 2022 update release is a huge release, to coincide with the BGL REGTECH 2022 running across the country we have released some of the most exciting features for our users. 

What's new?

Automated Debt Reminders

The time for an automated, set and forget ASIC debt management (pictured right) has arrived. CAS 360 can now automatically remind your clients of their outstanding debts to ASIC. 

In the settings menu, Automated Reminders has been added. This feature needs to be activated by your firm before it starts sending reminders. 

You have control over the frequency of reminders, who the sender is, the email template used, the invoice attached and who the emails are sent to. 

The reminders will be sent throughout the day, and almost always within business hours. The reminders will be sent when the debt checking and verification process with ASIC has been completed.

We have also implemented an Automation report (pictured right) that will be shown to users who have the automated reminders activated. 

If you have set up automated reminders, and no email address has been provided for the contacts in that company, you will be notified that an email could not be sent from CAS 360. 

The automation report will also include Automated Document Reminders that have been sent sine the last time the user logged in. 

The automation report can also be exported to PDF or MS Excel. 

The automation report will be shown to the user on login, if there have been reminders sent by CAS 360 on the account since their last log in.

Purchase Constitutions 

In 2021 Changes were made to CAS 360 to allow all firms to lodge company incorporations with ASIC, directly from CAS 360. All that is required, is your agent to have a direct debit account with ASIC. That’s it. 

Building on that great enhancement, we have now added the ability for you to purchase a company constitution directly from within CAS 360 (pictured right). 

We have partnered with Entity Makers, LightYear Docs and Smarter SMSF to bring this great feature to you. 

If you have considered registering companies in CAS 360, you now have all of the documents required, including a company constitution, and the software to do it 😃

Advanced Document Screen Filters

The Global Documents screen (pictured right) in CAS 360 is one of the most used and frequented screens, and we have now added a powerful search to help you find anything you need on this screen.

From the documents screen, you can now create your own filters and even save that as the default, did anyone ask for label filters? Yes, you did, you know who you are. We have label filters and much more.

You can now filter document records by:

Company Name, Trust Name, Agent, Document Type, Due Date, Penalty, Trace Number, Document Status, Partner and Labels!

All filters can be saved, and all saved filters are accessed at the click of a button.

The document screen has never been so powerful.

2-Factor Authentication for Digital Signing

Users can now require 2-factor authentication on digital signing documents. This can be a requirement for the whole document pack or just for individual signatories.

As part of this feature, we have also re-designed the whole Electronic Signing Options screen (pictured right).

From this screen, you can toggle on the 2-factor authentication requirement. You are also able to select which signers have this requirement.

From this screen, you can also add email and phone numbers to the contact record, as well as see the documents that the contact is going to be required to sign.

As the 2-factor authentication for digital signing is handled by CAS 360, there is no additional cost to use this.

Also in this update is the ability for users to void a Digital Signing document from within CAS 360, this can be done on the documents screen, via the Options dropdown.

Lastly with digital signing, now when selecting for the signers to receive the completed signed document pack, the preparer will also receive the completed document pack via email.

Director ID added to Annual Review screen

The Director ID features from the Companies screen have now been added to the Annual Review screen, this allows users to check the Director ID status of each company prior to the annual review being sent out. 

A number of other Director ID features have also been added to this release, now we will validate the Director ID number that is entered in, this will be checked with the Director ID algorithm. Also when preparing Officer appointments and Company Registrations the Director ID letter will be included.  

Ability to CC company contacts in Multi-Annual Review process

Users now have the ability to automatically include important company contacts such as Billing Contacts, the Partner or the Manager when processing Annual Reviews.

This can be done on the Email Validations step, where you can see all the emails that are going to be sent out. Toggling on these options will add the email addresses for each company’s annual review.

All of this and so much more includes the ability to remove lodgement permissions for users, enhancements for Joint Members and Trusts via multi-company documents, improvements to our Officers API, a new consent to short notice for the AGM, and improved support for more than one Annual Review per year when a company changes it review date.

BGL celebrates CAS 360’s 5th anniversary

By BGL Update, CAS 360No Comments

BGL celebrates CAS 360's 5th anniversary

BGL is proud to celebrate the 5th anniversary of its cloud-based ASIC corporate compliance and trust management software solution, CAS 360.

“I’m incredibly proud of the team and their achievements over the past 5 years” said Ron Lesh, BGL’s Managing Director. “When we launched CAS 360 on 22 February 2017, our product team consisted of 7 members: Warren Renden, Andy Tam, Mark Flynn, Adam Polat, Dubi Laviati, Jeremy Hofsteede and Olly Weinmann. And in just 21 weeks, the team added over 600 clients and 100,000 companies to the platform. It’s been full steam ahead since then.”

“Today, the CAS 360 product team has grown to 23 members supporting 2,600+ clients, 640,000+ companies and 100,000+ trusts across Australia, New Zealand and Singapore” continued Lesh.

CAS 360 has revolutionised the way ASIC corporate compliance work is managed in Australia with its streamlined Annual Review process, including automated tracking, downloads, database comparison review and delivery of the annual statement pack to clients. Plus, daily automated smart alerts help users easily manage Annual Review dates, document deadlines and company debt.

In the past 5 years, CAS 360 clients have added 2.2m contacts, prepared 5.4m document packs, sent 2.1m emails and processed 230k dividends. Quite an incredible achievement!

“The future is bright for CAS 360” added Lesh. “We have big plans for 2022 including the official release of CAS 360 Singapore (currently in beta), the release of CAS 360 Hong Kong, the start of work on CAS 360 United Kingdom and further development in Australia and New Zealand. Certainly, watch this space!”

Watch CAS 360 DemoCheck out the TOP 50 CAS 360 features

CAS 360 Product Update Release – January 2022

By BGL Update, CAS 360No Comments

We are excited to announce the first CAS 360 update of 2022! You can read the full release notes on the BGL Community >>>

What's new?

Annual Report and Documents: The Directors Report and Directors Declaration has been added to the CAS 360’s Annual Reports and Documents screen.

Director ID Improvements: A new Director ID ABRS Letter has been added to CAS 360’s Document Production screen for Annual Reviews. This means users can now send the ABRS Director ID letter to their clients as part of the Annual Review process.

Plus, CAS 360’s new Director ID report allows users to quickly and easily export all the Director ID information in CAS 360 to Excel.

Notifications: The performance of the Notifications and Inbox screens in CAS 360 have been improved. Users can also now prepare a Notifications report from the Inbox screen.

ASIC Balance Merge Field: CAS 360’s Annual Review company letter now supports a ${companyAsicBalance} merge field.

Plus, many more features and improvements. Don’t forget to check out the full release notes on the BGL Community >>>

BGL announces the launch of CAS 360 Hong Kong

By BGL Update, CAS 360No Comments

BGL is proud to announce the highly anticipated launch of its corporate compliance solution, CAS 360 in Hong Kong. 

“BGL has had a presence with our CAS Desktop software in Hong Kong since 2000” said Ron Lesh, BGL’s Managing Director. “Our clients have been hanging out for information on when CAS 360 will be available to them in Hong Kong so I’m proud that we can today announce this will be Quarter 2, 2022.”

“The CAS 360 team has been working tirelessly to build CAS 360 for multiple jurisdictions” added Lesh. “We have released New Zealand, are in BETA in Singapore and next off the rank is Hong Kong. I’m excited we can bring this sensational software to Hong Kong in mid-2022. CAS 360 will streamline our client’s processes with innovative and unique technology. It will save them heaps of time so they can focus on their many, many other responsibilities.”

“CAS 360 will prepare all the forms, minutes / resolutions, registers and other documents required for the annual return and common changes made by Hong Kong companies” noted Lesh. “CAS 360 is the complete package and will provide the same incredible efficiencies for our Hong Kong clients as it does for 600,000+ companies in other jurisdictions”. 

To register your interest in CAS 360 Hong Kong, please visit https://pages.bglcorp.com/CAS-360-hk-express-interest 

Director IDs: How can CAS 360 help?

Streamline Director IDs with CAS 360

By BGL Update, CAS 360, IndustryNo Comments

CAS 360 is helping ASIC registered agents manage and streamline Director IDs for their clients!

CAS 360 is Australia’s leading cloud solution for the management of companies and trusts.

The recent introduction of Director IDs means Australian company directors are required to identify themselves with the ABRS via MyGovID between now and November 30, 2022.

ASIC Registered Agents help businesses handle the compliance requirements of the vast majority of Australian companies, so the job to ensure every company director has a Director ID will ultimately fall on their shoulders…

That’s where CAS 360 can help!

To help manage and streamline the administration of these new requirements for ASIC Registered Agents, BGL released a suite of Director ID features in CAS 360. We have not just “added a field” to record the Director’s ID. We have provided a suite of features to help you through the process. Click here to skip ahead to our video >>>

Director ID Alert

The Director ID alert will show CAS 360 users the company directors that have completed their Director’s ID.

Director ID Screen

The Director ID screen provides CAS 360 users with the ability to:

  • Send a customisable email to all company directors about the new Director ID requirements,
  • Send email reminders to company directors when the Director ID deadline is approaching,
  • View which company directors have not completed their Director ID requirements,
  • See if a contact is a director in multiple companies,
  • Add a director’s email address, and
  • Add a director’s ID number once the director has completed registration.

See CAS 360’s Director ID features in action!

Watch our video to hear from BGL’s Head of CAS 360, Warren Renden and see a live demonstration of the Director ID features available now!

If you would like to learn more about CAS 360 and how it can benefit your business, contact the BGL sales team on 1300 654 401 or email [email protected].

Director IDs: How can CAS 360 help?

CAS 360 Product Update Release – October 2021

By CAS 360, Product UpdatesNo Comments

Hello all and welcome to the spooky season! It’s almost Halloween and we have another BIG CAS 360 update full of delicious treats for you!

Don’t forget to join the conversation about this release and so much more on the BGL Community >>>

What's New in CAS 360?

Director ID

The introduction to Director ID is one of the biggest changes to corporate compliance work for a very long time. All Australian company directors are now required to identify themselves with the ABRS, via MyGovID between now and November 30, 2022.

In CAS 360 we have built a great set of features to help you through this new requirement.

Each company now has a new alert, the Director ID alert. This alert will show how many company directors have completed that Director ID requirement when you hover over.

To view more information the user can click on ‘Go to Director IDs’

The Director ID modal contains a number of important features.

  • Firstly you can email all company directors about the new Director ID requirements, we have included an “introduction to Director ID” email template, which you can customise, to let your clients know about this new requirement.
  • You can see which Directors have and have not completed their Director ID requirements
  • You can also see if the Director is also a director in any other company
  • If the Director ID deadline date is fast approaching, you can send a reminder email to the director
  • If you do not have a director’s email address, you can add the email address via this screen
  • Also, once the Director has completed their Director ID requirements, you can add the ID number, and it will be saved against the Directors records

Digital signing improvements

We have also added some great new features for clients who have CAS 360 integrated with our Digital Signing partners. Now when preparing any set of documents in CAS 360, you can set that all signatories receive the signed document pack once it has been signed by all signatories. This is an option that is controlled by you as the preparer.

If you are preparing an Annual Review and send it out for digital signing, you can now have the Annual Review automatically set as ‘Annual Review Complete’ when the document has been signed by all signatories.

Also, for those that have an account with more than one digital signing provider or are in the process of transitioning from one provider to another we have now added support for multiple signing providers connected to CAS 360 at the same time.

Company shareholder and trust unitholder registers

Next up is a whole new way of preparing Company Shareholder and Trust unitholder registers, we have built a beautiful MS Excel export of these registers. We know how much you all love a good spreadsheet. CAS 360 now allows you to export these holdings and filter, sort or organise to your heart’s content.

Plus, so much more!

There is so much more in this update, we have added version 2 of our document management APIs for those that have your documents integrated. We have a new trust relationship position in Alternate Appointer, improved the Company screen hovers so they are less sensitive, added new merge fields for addresses and capital.
