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BGL Update

CAS 360 Product Update – 16 June 2023

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What's New?

New Report: A new ID Verification Status Listing report has been added to the AML Reports section of the Reports screen. This new report displays all individuals in CAS 360, their verification status and the date they were last verified. Learn More

Director Minute/Resolution and Cover Letter: When preparing the ASIC form 489 / 490, users can now quickly add representatives to corporate directors (who do not have one) using the Add Representative(s) option. Learn More

Foreign Companies: ASIC form 405 / 406 will now display the representative name(s) as signatories for corporate directors. Learn More

Independent Trustee: The newly added Independent Trustee relationship position for trusts can now sign trust documents in the same way a Trustee can and as an alternative to the Trustee. Learn More

Public Officer: A new Public Officer relationship position has been added for trusts in CAS 360. The Public Officer position will appear in the People Group report, Individual Compliance report, Contact Relationships screen and Register of Trust Relationships. Learn More

Seal Register Entries: When adding a new Seal Register Entry, CAS 360 will now automatically display the last code used to ensure the same seal code is not used twice for a company. Learn More

Minute Documents: Users can now choose which address to input in the Minute Documents from the Document Options section of the Document Production screen. Learn More

Trusts Relationships Screen: The user interface on the Trusts Relationships screen has been enhanced to create a more seamless user experience. Learn More

Navigation Sidebar: The user interface on the Navigation Sidebar has been improved to adjust to the size of the user’s screen dynamically. Learn More

Plus, many more new features and improvements. Remember to check out the full release notes on the CAS 360 Online Help and join the conversation in the BGL Community. Links to previous update release notes are below:

Stay tuned for future releases!

Warren Renden
Head of CAS 360
E: [email protected] | P: 1300 654 401
Connect with me on LinkedIn

CAS 360 Product Update – 5 June 2023

By BGL Update, CAS 360, Product UpdatesNo Comments

We are excited to announce the latest CAS 360 update!

  • Click here to check out the full CAS 360 release notes.
  • Click here to join the conversation in the BGL Community.

What's New?

Full Company Register Set: We have added the ability for you to prepare all company registers in one single process. The full Company Register set can be exported for multiple companies at once, and can be customised so that you can include all the company registers that you need for export.  Learn more

Succession Director report: We have added a new report for a comprehensive overview of all companies directors, including their respective ages. The Succession Director report provides valuable insights into the approaching retirement of company directors, to facilitate effective succession planning. Learn more

Public Officers relationship (trusts): If a trust carries on a business in Australia or derives income from property in Australia and there is no trustee who is an Australian resident, the trustee generally appoints a public officer. We have added the ability to add a Public Officer relationship to a trust, including the preparation of documents for Public Officers of Australian and New Zealand trusts. 

Lodgement confirmation: We have added a lodge document warning message to confirm your intention to lodge a document to ASIC when clicking ‘lodge’ on the notification screen.

New users walkthrough: We have developed a user-friendly guide that demonstrates all the support materials accessible for new CAS 360 users. Making the new user experience easier and smoother!

Plus, many more new features and improvements. Remember to check out the full release notes on the CAS 360 Online Help and join the conversation in the BGL Community. Links to previous update release notes are below:

Stay tuned for future releases!

Warren Renden
Head of CAS 360
E: [email protected] | P: 1300 654 401
Connect with me on LinkedIn

BGL recognised as Victorian State Winner of the 2023 Australian Achiever Awards

By BGL Update, In the MediaNo Comments

BGL is proud to be recognised as Victorian State Winner of the 2023 Australian Achiever Award with a sensational score of 98.80% for customer satisfaction.

The award included special recognition of Ron Lesh, Daniel Tramontana, Adriana Cavallo, Damien Gunatillake, Luca Ranellone and Peter Di Stefano for their remarkable customer service.

“This is a fantastic achievement and recognition of the BGL Team. I am incredibly proud!” said Ron Lesh, BGL’s Managing Director. “This is the 18th Australian Achiever Award won by BGL and proves, again and again, our commitment to providing remarkable experiences and sensational customer service to our clients”.

Australian Achiever Awards are an independent award system based on assessments from the business customers. The award system focuses on eight criteria: Time-related Service, Addressing Client Needs, Care and Attention, Value, Attitude, Communication, Overall Perception and Referral. The judging process for 2023’s Australian Achiever Awards for Australia’s Information & Communications Technology Services category was completed on 5 May 2023.

“I am very proud that BGL achieved an impressive customer satisfaction score of 98.80% as well as being named the Victorian State Winner” added Lesh. “As a business, our goal is to provide exceptional service that distinguishes us from others and excites our clients and to be acknowledged for our efforts, most importantly by our clients, is truly wonderful”.

“Congratulations must go to the entire BGL Team on this well-deserved recognition and it was great to see Daniel, Adriana, Damien, Luca, and Peter mentioned in the award presentation. A huge thanks also to all our clients and partners for your continued support. We would not win these awards without all of you!” added Lesh.

The recognition was accompanied by glowing testimonials from our clients, exemplifying BGL’s remarkable customer service. 

“The BGL Corporate Solutions team are super friendly and helpful. There is nothing that is too much trouble for them. They are happy to answer any of my questions, even if the answers are obvious. The dealings I have with them feel more like a personal relationship rather than us being a customer. They are the best business that I deal with. I describe Ron, Daniel, Adriana & Damien as my fabulous four.”

“BGL Corporate Solutions are easy to deal with. They understand our needs and what we are looking for. Their program that we use is user-friendly. And they are always happy to help us.”

“They offer us day-to-day support. My business development manager handles my queries. I can call Peter directly; we have open lines of communication. He is efficient in following up and calls back straight away. They are constantly working on their software development and making sure we use the software to optimal effect. And they are always finding solutions for us. When they come to Sydney, they touch base with us in person. I enjoy their automated customer service, as they reply within twenty-four hours.”

101 days in! A short reflection…

By BGL Update, CultureNo Comments

A short reflection on my first 101 days as CEO at BGL that I would like to share with you

Here goes…

1. People matter and always will – people make things happen. A good percentage of your time must be allocated to investing in your people.

2. Grow and appoint from within don’t fly them in – I am a huge advocate of this. Apart from providing opportunity, those who step up are the ones who have embraced the business, the culture and the people.

3. Enlarge the shadow – set the stage. The more you grow and build the people, the larger the shadow becomes but you need to be comfortable with the fact that you become lesser and others become more. This is very liberating but requires courage.

4. Focus on the business you are in – keep building amazing products – Why people transact with us, keep investing in who we are to ensure they stay. Don’t be distracted by voices. Invest in your strengths and make points of differentiation difficult to replicate that they remain the source of competitive advantage.

5. Get curious – ask questions and genuinely show interest in what your people do. Take the time to listen and learn. Be visible and within reach of your people. Engage and encourage dialogue.

6. Stay humble and vulnerable – never forget where you came from. Reflect on your steps and draw wisdom from such to carve a better way for the people. Don’t be afraid to say I don’t know and apologise genuinely when you make a mistake.

7. Values do not change. Behaviour doesn’t either – make no excuse for protecting and preserving your culture. Tough decisions are at times needed. Remember, the standard you accept becomes the standard tolerated.

8. Develop – Trust – Belief – release people to holistically be their best. When they are struggling, embrace them. Show mercy, grace, understanding and genuine care. Get them back on their feet and into the game.

9. Gratitude – live it out as often as you can. Be deliberate about it. Send the message. Make the call. Demonstrate your appreciation. Set aside time to be grateful and express gratefulness.

10. Solo doesn’t cut it – develop a strong inner circle of strong and courageous people who are best qualified to do the job, whose best interest is that of the team. People that will challenge and inspire you to be better. Accountability in such circles is 2 way.

11. Tell the story – connect people to the core of who you are and the path travelled. There is so much power in connecting people to the journey and setting them on the path to where you are going.

12. Legacy – the foundation you build on. Not one you discard. A pillar of strength that has weathered all seasons and stood the test of time. Its roots are deeply entrenched in Who you are as a business, what you stand for as a people and where you are going as a team.

I hope this reflection is helpful to you. Be amazing!

Pretty excited by what is ahead for the BGL Corporate Solutions team!

BGL integrates with Compare n Save – a hassle-free loan comparison solution

By BGL Update, Simple Fund 360, Simple Invest 360No Comments

BGL is proud to announce the launch of its integration with loan comparison service provider, Compare n Save.

“We are excited to add Compare n Save to the BGL Ecosystem,” said Ron Lesh, BGL’s Managing Director. “This integration will provide BGL’s Simple Fund 360 and Simple Invest 360 clients with a hassle-free and simple loan comparison solution that will add value to their customer service offering.”

Compare n Save is a fintech platform with an ownership stake in TAG Finance and Loans, a traditional mortgage broking fulfilment business. “We are extremely proud of the BGL partnership. It is a glowing endorsement of our fintech and fulfilment capabilities and further strengthens our relationship with BGL”, said Sal Cinque, Director of Compare n Save and CEO of TAG Finance and Loans.

Brad Wilkinson, Head of Ecosystem at BGL, said: “The BGL and Compare n Save integration will help advisors, accountants, and other BGL clients compare hundreds of loans from more than 30 of Australia’s top banks and other lenders for home, investment and SMSFs. It will also help clients easily structure debt for property purchases and conduct regular loan reviews to lower interest costs for their clients. Loans are fulfilled via an experienced broker network with access to over 500 brokers nationally.”

BGL clients can access the Compare n Save app within their Simple Fund 360 and Simple Invest 360 Property Console screen or via the BGL Ecosystem.

BGL’s free and open API is used extensively across the industry. Over 350 data feed and integration partners in the BGL Ecosystem deliver a holistic experience to our clients.

CAS 360 Product Update – 18 May 2023

By BGL Update, CAS 360, Product UpdatesNo Comments

We are excited to announce the latest CAS 360 update!

  • Click here to check out the full CAS 360 release notes.
  • Click here to join the conversation in the BGL Community.

Learn what’s new at our New Features Webinar on Tuesday 23 May 2023, at 11:30 AEST. REGISTER NOW!

What's New?

Change of Beneficial Ownership: We have included a new Share Transfer form for Change of Beneficial Ownership transactions in the document pack. This form will provide a record of the outgoing and incoming beneficial owners, making the process more organised and transparent. Learn more

Seal Register Report: We have added a new feature to the Seal Register Report which allows users to exclude addresses and imprints, providing more control over the information that appears on the register. Additionally, a date range filter was added to the Seal Register, which allows users to display the Seal Register Entries within a specific period. Learn more

Plus, many more new features and improvements. Remember to check out the full release notes on the CAS 360 Online Help and join the conversation in the BGL Community. Links to previous update release notes are below:

Stay tuned for future releases!

Warren Renden
Head of CAS 360
E: [email protected] | P: 1300 654 401
Connect with me on LinkedIn