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BGL Update

BGL launches integration with Colonial First State’s FirstWrap platform

By BGL Update, Simple Fund 360No Comments

BGL is proud to announce Simple Fund 360 is now integrated with Colonial First State’s FirstWrap platform.

“It’s great to have Colonial First State as part of the BGL Ecosystem,” said Ron Lesh, BGL’s Managing Director. “FirstWrap is a full service wrap platform, providing comprehensive investment choice, convenience and great flexibility. This new integration means FirstWrap now has a seamless integration with Simple Fund 360 with bank, investment and income transactions automatically loaded”.

“Simple Fund 360 will then automatically map the required accounts and tax data to drive further efficiencies for your firm.”

Colonial First State’s Chief Distribution Officer, Bryce Quirk, said: “We’re excited to partner with BGL and provide the benefits of Simple Fund 360 to our members and advisers. Adding to the comprehensive tax reporting features of FirstWrap, the welcome addition of Simple Fund 360 integration will further enhance the value and efficiencies for our joint customers.”

BGL currently has over 350 partners in our Ecosystem and it is great to be able to add FirstWrap to the list.

Click here to learn more about this Simple Fund 360’s integration with Colonial First State’s FirstWrap platform >>>

BGL commits to supporting mental health and wellbeing

By BGL Update, CultureNo Comments

BGL is proud to announce 25 members of its leadership team are now accredited Mental Health First Aiders.

“I am incredibly proud of the team” said Ron Lesh, BGL’s Managing Director. “With the help of Joel Clapham, Founder and Chief Mental Health Champ at Hearten Up, all 25 members of the BGL leadership team are now accredited Mental Health First Aiders. This equates to 1 trained Mental Health First Aider for every 7 BGL team members.”

“Our team has worked tirelessly through 2020/21 to produce sensational, award-winning software for our clients. Supporting their mental health and wellbeing now and into the future has never been more important” continued Lesh. “Providing our leaders with the opportunity to become accredited Mental Health First Aiders is just one of the many initiatives we have implemented over the past 2 years to better support our team.” 

Since December 2019, BGL has provided all team members and their immediate families with a complimentary Employee Assistance Program (EAP) through Relationship Matters, a not-for-profit organisation with highly trained professional counsellors who are there to help our people deal with whatever issues are impacting on their lives.

“Supporting our people’s mental health and wellbeing isn’t just a nice thing to have in brochures and policies – it is essential for any business who truly cares about their people,” said Lesh. 

In recognition of the hard work and resilience of the team over the past months, BGL will be closed for a team Thank You Day on Monday 1 November 2021. No live services will be available on this day.

If you would like to join the BGL Team, check us out at www.bglcorp.com/careers.

BGL has been recognised on the 2021 AFR BOSS Best Places to Work List as the 6th best technology workplace in Australia & New Zealand!

Where we are at! From BGL’s Managing Director

By BGL Update2 Comments

There has been so much going on in the SMSF marketplace recently and it has probably been a little while since I have written clients, so I thought it was time for an update.

You will have seen a lot of M & A activity in the SMSF and corporate compliance market – first the purchase of a document provider by one of our competitors, followed by the purchase of the competitor itself and thirdly the purchase of an actuarial certificate provider. Wow! Not bad for a short couple of months.

As I am sure you can imagine, BGL also receives many advances for us to sell our business. But unlike others, we are not looking to cash in. We love what we do, and we love our clients. We see our role is to serve you, not sell you!

So, forget any rumours you have heard, BGL is NOT for sale and we have absolutely no plans to sell the BGL business.

Now, let me talk a little about the 2020/21 financial year.

BGL achieved record revenue in 2020/21 of $35.6m, up 13.44% from $31.4m in 2019/20. We also had good growth in client numbers to 8,315 up from 7,832. In what has been a pretty tough year, I am very proud of what our team has achieved. And I am very thankful to you, our clients, for sticking with us and helping us grow.

In the same period, we invested a record amount of $10.6m in Research and Development. We continue to invest heavily in our products with many software releases of CAS 360 including New Zealand and Singapore, Simple Fund 360 with workpapers and SmartDocs and the release in mid-June 2021 of Simple Invest 360. Our team has worked tirelessly through 2020/21 to produce sensational award winning software for you.

At the same time, we have invested in our account management, client success and support teams to ensure we are well resourced, so our clients receive and continue to receive remarkable service. This is the priority for us.

BGL is here to stay. We see huge potential for our business to continue to grow without acquisition. We expect 2021/22 to be a bumper year.

Before I finish, let me also thank our Ecosystem partners. You guys too are an essential part of our business and we love each and every one of you.

So, thank you again for your support. We know we would not be where we are today without you, our clients.

BGL is SuperStream ready. Are you?

By BGL Update, Simple Fund 360No Comments

BGL is proud to announce our Simple Fund 360 software was SuperStream Rollover compliant on 1 October 2021. On this date, SuperStream became mandatory for all member balance rollovers to SMSFs. The ATO advised all SMSF SuperStream must now be completed with SuperStream.

“I am incredibly proud of the Team” said Ron Lesh, BGL’s Managing Director. This was a huge task for BGL as not only did we need to develop the convoluted SuperStream rollover process with a new data provider, but we also needed to create a new BGL Electronic Service Address (ESA) for clients”.

Since 28 September 2021, BGL Simple Fund 360 clients have had access to a major software update that includes the SuperStream changes. This was the fourth Simple Fund 360 update since 30 June 2021. The new software allows clients to initiate and receive member balance rollovers and process release authorities with the new BGL ESA.

BGL has also developed a number of SuperStream resources for BGL clients.

Simple Fund 360 Online Help: SuperStream FAQs

Webinar Recording: SuperStream changes in Simple Fund 360

BGL Website: Are You SuperStream Ready?

BGL clients who need help with these SuperStream changes can check out the links above or contact their BGL Account Manager on 1300 654 401 or by email at [email protected].

BGL launches integration with digital signing tool FuseSign!

By BGL Update, CAS 360, Simple Fund 360, Simple Invest 360No Comments

Digital Signing, Electronic Signing, Electronic Signature, Company Compliance, Corporate Compliance, Companies, Trust Administration, Trust Management, Trusts, Self-managed Superannuation Fund, Self Managed Super, SMSF, SMSFs, Investment Portfolios

BGL Corporate Solutions, Australia's leading supplier of SMSF administration, ASIC corporate compliance and investment portfolio solutions, is proud to announce CAS 360, Simple Fund 360 and Simple Invest 360 are now integrated with digital signing tool FuseSign by FuseWorks.

“It’s great to add FuseSign to the BGL Ecosystem” said Ron Lesh, BGL’s Managing Director. “FuseSign creates a seamless workflow for BGL clients so that all company, trust, individual and SMSF documents can be digitally signed, speeding up the compliance process and reducing signing times to minutes rather than days for the price of a stamp.

Melissa Voss, Co-Founder and Head of Clients and Partners at FuseWorks, said: “We’re thrilled with this partnership and to be able to offer BGL clients with our Digital Signing tool straight from their platform. I am passionate about automation and helping Accountants to simplify the day-to-day, removing inefficiencies through the power of automation so they can focus on more human tasks, and that is exactly what FuseSign does, it gives your clients a better experience with your brand, saves your business time and money, and it empowers your team to focus on tasks they really enjoy.”

Made for accountants by accountants, FuseSign is an affordable, intuitive and easy to use Digital Signing tool and can be used for all company, trust, individual and SMSF documents prepared by CAS 360, Simple Fund 360 and Simple Invest 360. Recent legislative changes have now made it possible to sign more document types digitally than ever before. The FuseSign process in BGL applications provides a seamless workflow for clients. And recent evaluations of digital signing solutions have proven documents are signed quicker, easier and with much less friction when digital signing solutions are used.

BGL currently has over 350 partners in our Ecosystem and it is great to be able to add FuseSign to the list.

For more information about this sensational integration, visit www.fusesign.com/bgl 

About FuseSign

FuseSign is a digital signing platform like no other. Made by accountants for accountants, it is an elegant solution that simplifies complex tasks, resulting in faster turnarounds, significant cost savings, improved client experience and higher staff engagement.

Digital Signing, Electronic Signing, Electronic Signature, Company Compliance, Corporate Compliance, Companies, Trust Administration, Trust Management, Trusts, Self-managed Superannuation Fund, Self Managed Super, SMSF, SMSFs, Investment Portfolios

Victoria – the place no one wants to be!

By BGL Update8 Comments

I used to live in the once great state of Victoria, Australia.

But after 6 lockdowns, this once great state is a shadow of itself.

I am really angry about the scaremongering from the politicians and the media.

Every weekday, I listen to the 8.30 news and all I hear about are infection numbers – scare, scare, scare. They don’t tell me how many people are actually sick or how many are in hospital or how many are in ICU, but they definitely tell me when someone (unfortunately) dies, but not whether they died with COVID-19 or from COVID-19. Scare, scare, scare!

So, let’s first look at the facts.

There has been 37,013 people infected with COVID-19 in Australia from a population of 25,825,438. 30,462 have fully recovered. 5,538 (99%) have a mild condition. Just 70 (1%) are in a serious or critical condition. There has been a total of 943 deaths. My source, before you say he is making these figures up, is https://www.worldometers.info/coronavirus/country/australia/. By the way, I should say, more COVID-19 tests have been performed than the population of Australia, costing us some $1.7b. Wow!

So less than .0014% of the Australian population have been infected and on the scale of deaths per million of population (37) we are 168th in the world.

Some people might say this proves our politicians have done a great job – but have they really? You cannot measure performance on just one statistic – so let’s look at a few others….

Mental health of our children is at an all-time low. Kids Helpline data tells us attempted suicide rates among Victorian teenagers have skyrocketed by 184 per cent in the past six months. Teenagers aged 13-18 are the most at risk, accounting for 75 per cent of the total crisis interventions from 1 December 2020, to 31 May 2021. 44% of Victorian emergency interventions from 1 December 2020, to 31 May 2021, were responding to a young person’s immediate intent to suicide, while child abuse emergencies triggered 31 percent. More than 13,000 calls were made by suicidal children last year, including 1,150 with “immediate intentions’’ or a current attempt to kill themselves. Check out the story on news.com.au. So, while our politicians may have protected some people in our community, they have not protected our children…

What about adults? Business people who cannot put food on the table for their families? Business employees who have lost their jobs with businesses that will never return? Politicians seem to think you can turn off and on business like a water tap. Maybe if just ONE had actually worked in a business, they would know better.

Recent ABS data gives us some idea of the extent of the problem. In June 2021, one in five (20%) Australians experienced high or very high levels of psychological distress in the last four weeks. Almost one in three (30%) younger Australians (aged 18 to 34 years) experienced high or very high levels of psychological distress in June 2021. In June 2021, more people living in Victoria (27%) experienced high or very high levels of psychological distress compared with the rest of Australia (18%).

Before COVID-19, the cost of mental illness to the economy was $60b each year. What is it now?

Small businesses have been decimated. Our governments have introduced schemes to help our small businesses but in reality, most of these are just spin, spin, spin. The grants and loans are simply impossible for most small businesses to get. Again, let’s look at some statistics from the City of Melbourne. Economic output is down 22%. Job losses are up to 75,000 or 15%. Our Lord Mayor Sally Capp should be very proud of herself. Here, hopeless policies around parking and bike lanes, unsafe injecting rooms and her refusal to clean up the streets has turned the City of Melbourne into a ghost town. Check out the stats at www.melbourne.vic.gov.au.

And this is just the city. The cost of the lockdowns to debt ridden Victoria is $150m per day. And we certainly are not All in this together. Our politicians and public servants have had two pay rises since March 2020 whereas the cost of the lockdowns have been borne 100% by business, employees of businesses and the self-employed. 100%. Not 50%, or 75% but 100%. We are definitely NOT All in this together.

But probably the most disheartening thing for me is what this country has become. What has happened to our compassion? The Andrews government lockdowns are brutal and cruel and far worse than they have to be. When I hear of a woman with a baby and her child in a car at the Victorian / NSW border being turned away when she wanted to go less than 100 kms to a farm to isolate or a small business woman who calls the Victorian Government Business Help Line and is recommended a Stress Down program, one has to wonder: our politicians and public servants are simply out of their depth and have lost the plot. When you have clown premiers saying Queensland hospitals are for Queenslanders and a child who lives in Tweed Heads cannot cross the border for treatment and subsequently dies, I wonder what has happened to common sense. What has happened to our compassion?

So, what’s the solution? Well I wish someone were listening. Our politicians and public servants are blinkered. All they care about is 0 0 0. They don’t care about people. They don’t care about what the lockdowns are doing to people. They think they can buy their way out by promising money – that is never delivered. The emergency power legislation in Victoria calls for a proportionate response to a medical crisis. So where is the medical advice? Why has NOT ONE PIECE of medical advice been published? The response in Victoria has not been proportionate. It has been cruel and brutal. There is no compassion.

As one of the lucky few whose business has not been overly affected by this government-caused crisis, I am very thankful. But rolling lockdowns have sapped the confidence of what once was a vibrant city. The people of Victoria are fed up.

Our governments keep relying on models. Models that told us in March 2020 150,000 Australians would die from COVID-19. Models that have been wrong time after time after time not only with COVID-19. Models, models, models. And as all the model-creating experts keep saying, they do not know what effect any single restriction has on their models. So really, the models are rubbish. They don’t actually tell us anything. So, what should we do?

A couple of thoughts: If we only isolated people with COVID-19 (or people who are sick), how would this affect the models? Nobody knows.  If we locked down suburbs or communities, how would this affect the models? Nobody knows. And there must be 100 more ways to contain COVID-19 outbreaks. But nobody knows. Because we have not tried. Because lockdowns are easy and scared people seem to love being locked down.

A recent survey in Victoria revealed 38% think if they get COVID-19 they will die. That’s right – 38%! Not surprising considering there’s only scare, scare, scare it’s the 6.30 news! Maybe we should go the way of the UK and Singapore and stop the media reporting COVID-19 numbers? And maybe we need to set a Freedom Day?

Australia is in a mess. Our politicians are oblivious. They don’t know and most don’t care as long as they get their paycheck every month.  The only way they will change what they are doing to us is if 1,000,000 people protest in the streets – like the Vietnam protests many years ago. But of course, today standing still out in the open – is illegal!

CAS 360 Product Update Release – July 2021

By BGL Update, CAS 360, Product UpdatesNo Comments

We are excited to announce a huge CAS 360 update!

Another huge release for our emerging markets with both New Zealand and Singapore getting some great new features!


Performance Enhancements for all company data screens

In this update we have been able to focus on some under the hood enhancements, including the re-writing of the company data screens. These screens are now more efficient, consistent and faster than ever.

Commas added to all numbers in CAS 360

This has been a request from a number of users over the last few years, and we’re very happy to release this. Now all numbers in CAS 360 will have the correct commas or equivalent based on the currency for $ amounts. 

CAS 360 already has industry leading features when it comes to managing share/unit structures, this will make sorting and searching this information much easier. 

Added Effective Dates

We have made improvements to all our system minutes and resolutions to now include effective dates for all transactions. 

This will make all minutes and resolutions more complete, as all effective dates are clear and consistent. This will also make it easier than ever to prepare multiple transactions with different effective dates on the same minute or resolution. 

Company Type filter added to reports

Users can now filter by company type when preparing a company listing report. This will allow more flexibility when preparing reports. For example a report listing only the foreign companies can now be prepared.  

There have been a number of other improvements including view only users are now able to download trust deeds, UI improvements to both the SMS screen and the Getting Started process. Also all register names in the reports screen have been updated. 

New Zealand

This update includes a number of new and exciting features for AML in New Zealand. 

AML Provider API

First of all we have officially released our identity verification API for identity providers to consume, over the next few weeks we will be meeting with various identity providers and working through the integration.

Our plan has always been to offer an integrated identity verification solution which allows you to use the information already in CAS 360 and get this information verified. 

AML Enhancements

We have also released a number of feature improvements to the Compliance tab for Companies, these include

  • Moved Level of CDD Required to step 4
  • Risk assessments screen enhancements
  • Added information icon to individual sections
  • Added drivers licence expiry
  • Added ability to attach extra individuals to contacts section of Compliance tab
  • Updates to Compliance Report and Compliance Listing report
  • Displaying Shareholder % next to shareholders
  • Improved PEP check logic and added to individual contact record
  • Added ability to upload utility bill or bank statement to verify address details
  • Improved UI for Risk Assessment questions
Performance Enhancements for all company data screens

In this update we have been able to focus on some under the hood enhancements, including the re-writing of the company data screens. 

These screens are now more efficient, consistent and faster than ever.

Commas added to all numbers in CAS 360

This has been a request from a number of users over the last few years, and very happy to release this. Now all numbers in CAS 360 will have the correct commas or equivalent based on the currency for $ amounts. 

CAS 360 already has industry leading features when it comes to managing share structures, this will make sorting and searching this information much easier. 

Added Effective Dates

We have made improvements to all our system minutes and resolutions to now include effective dates for all transactions. 

This will make all minutes and resolutions more complete, as all effective dates are clear and consistent. This will also make it easier than ever to prepare multiple transactions with different effective dates on the same minute or resolution. 

Company Type filter added to reports

Users can now filter by company type when preparing a company listing report. This will allow more flexibility when preparing reports. For example a report listing only the foregin companies can now be prepared.  

There have been a number of other improvements including view only users are now able to download trust deeds, UI improvements to both the SMS screen and the Getting Started process. Also all register names in the reports screen have been updated. 


AML Provider API

First of all we have officially released our identity verification API for identity providers to consume, over the next few weeks we will be meeting with various identity providers and working through the integration.

Our plan has always been to offer an integrated identity verification solution which allows you to use the information already in CAS 360 and get this information verified. 

Notice of Registrable Controllers

In this update we have added the ability to prepare the Notice of Registrable Controller for Singapore companies. This can be added from the Company Shareholders screen. 

Registrable Controller notice Types

This update includes support for 4 types of registrable controllers notices. These include

  • Notice for Controllers 386AG(2)(a)
  • Notice for Persons who knows Controllers 386AG(2)(b)
  • Notice for Change in particulars 386AH(1)
  • Notice for Incorrect Particulars 386AI(1)
Registrable Controllers Documents

This update also brings Registrable Controller Documents to CAS 360, these documents include

  • Confirmation Letter
  • Register of Registrable Controllers
  • Notice for Controllers 
    • Notice for Controllers 386AG(2)(a)
    • Notice for Persons who knows Controllers 386AG(2)(b)
    • Notice for Change in particulars 386AH(1)
    • Notice for Incorrect Particulars 386AI(1)
Shareholders quick add

The Shareholders quick add has been updated for Singapore, this now includes important information fields such as Nationality, ID Type, ID Number and the ability to add a passport. 

Register of Auditors

A new Register of Auditors Report has been added to the Company Reports screen, this new register can be prepared for any company and can be dated on any date, allowing any user to prepare the register at the date that is required. 

Performance Enhancements for all company data screens

In this update we have been able to focus on some under the hood enhancements, including the re-writing of the company data screens. 

These screens are now more efficient, consistent and faster than ever.

Commas added to all numbers in CAS 360

This has been a request from a number of users over the last few years, and very happy to release this. Now all numbers in CAS 360 will have the correct commas or equivalent based on the currency for $ amounts. 

CAS 360 already has industry leading features when it comes to managing share structures, this will make sorting and searching this information much easier.

Added Effective Dates

We have made improvements to all our system minutes and resolutions to now include effective dates for all transactions. 

This will make all minutes and resolutions more complete, as all effective dates are clear and consistent. This will also make it easier than ever to prepare multiple transactions with different effective dates on the same minute or resolution.

Other improvements

There have been a number of other improvements made to CAS 360 Singapore, these include updating company dates when an Annual Return payment has been completed, improvements to the Register of Nominee Directors, improvements to the Annual Return Listing Report, new validations on the Auditors screen, Improved AGM & Annual Return date calculator, ACRA Company Extracts will now import the financial year end date and enhancements to the ‘Getting Started UI’. 

Simple Fund 360 and Simple Invest 360 Update Release July 2021

By BGL Update, Product Updates, Simple Fund 360, Simple Invest 360No Comments

We are excited to announce a huge update to Simple Fund 360 and Simple Invest 360 including integration with our new digital signing partner, FuseSign! This means we now support 3 digital signing solutions in our product suite.

You can learn what’s new in Simple Fund 360 and Simple Invest 360 from our product teams at our New Features Webinar on Tuesday 10 August at 10:30 AEST.
Register Now >>>

Check out the full release notes in the BGL Community >>>

What's New?

Simple Fund 360 and Simple Invest 360 digital signing with FuseSign now available!

We are thrilled to announce FuseSign has joined the BGL ecosystem as our latest integration partner! Made for accountants by accountants, FuseSign is an affordable, intuitive and easy to use Digital Signature solution. Learn More >>>

Special BGL & FuseSign offer!

Sign up for a FuseSign Business Lite plan (or above) and pay only 1 credit per document pack for all your BGL documents (unlimited signees, unlimited number of users from as little as $0.90 per signee and no lock-in contract). To find out more, visit www.fusesign.com/bgl/ and start your 14-day FREE trial.

Stay tuned! CAS 360 integration with FuseSign will be released in the coming weeks.

Exclusive to Simple Fund 360

Fund Dashboard: Significant improvements have been made to the SMSF Dashboard allowing users to quickly add notes, review client queries, view a snapshot of fund investments and view members balances.

New Report Screen: As the most frequently visited screen in Simple Fund 360, BGL has listened to your feedback and delivered a new and improved report screen! The new screen includes enhanced filters, improved search and visibility plus the ability to tag reports and use tag filters!

SMSF Auditors Panel: BGL launched the SMSF Auditors Panel on 14 July 2021. The BGL SMSF Auditors Panel is a list of BGL client firms and specialist SMSF auditors who either use the BGL API to access Simple Fund 360 data or who log into Simple Fund 360 to complete audits. The BGL Auditors Panel can be found on the BGL website or via the Fund Dashboard and Help menu in Simple Fund 360.

Compliance Change: The Simple Fund 360 Contributions Dashboard and Contributions Breakdown Report now account for the legislative change extending the Non Concessional Contribution Bring Forward age to 65, 66 for Non-Concessional Contributions made from 1st July 2020 (effective 1st July 2021).

Exclusive to Simple Invest 360

New Dashboards: New Dashboards for trust, companies and individuals allow users to quickly add notes, review client queries, view a snapshot of fund investments and review key relationships.

To learn all about Simple Invest 360 and how it can benefit you, we invite you to attend our free, live webinar series! 

Can’t make it to the live webinars? Register anyway to get the recordings.

Why did BGL develop
Simple Invest 360?

Presented by BGL’s Founder and Managing Director Ron Lesh and the Head of Simple Fund 360, Matt Crofts.

Monday 26th July at 10:30 AEST

Register Now

Simple Invest 360 accounting
and tax features

Presented by Simple Invest 360 Product Manager Andrew Paszko alongside Simple Invest 360 Business Analyst, Andrew Perera.

Wednesday 11th August at 11.30 AEST

Register Now

Simple Invest 360 for
accountants and planners

Presented by Simple Invest 360 Product Manager Andrew Paszko and the Head of Simple Fund 360, Matt Crofts.

Wednesday 25th August at 10.30 AEST

Register Now

Simple Invest 360 free, live webinar series!

By BGL Update, Simple Invest 360No Comments

Last month BGL launched Simple Invest 360, an intelligent cloud-based software to help accountants streamline CGT compliance administration for Trusts, Companies and Individuals. 

One of the primary drivers behind the decision to develop Simple Invest 360 came from BGL clients; those who were looking for a non-super investment solution which provides the same level of automation and artificial intelligence as our cloud SMSF administration software, Simple Fund 360. 

Simple Invest 360 provides a comprehensive portfolio solution with smart CGT to handle all different investment asset types in one unified solution. Be it listed or unlisted securities, ETFs, property trusts, wrap accounts, crypto currencies or direct property, Simple Invest 360 can handle it all. The software automates all tedious CGT record-keeping as well as providing simple and financial and tax reporting saving time and money no matter what the tax structure – trusts, companies or partnerships or individuals. 

All existing BGL clients have been provided the opportunity to trial 5 entities on Simple Invest 360 for free until 31 August 2021. 

To access the free trial, Simple Fund 360 clients can simply login to their Simple Fund 360 software and select “Add New Entity” from the Entity Workflow screen (click here to learn more). For all other existing BGL clients, please contact your BGL Account Manager. 

Attend our free, live webinar series!

To learn more about Simple Invest 360, follow the links below to register for our free, live webinars.

Can’t make it to the live webinars? Register anyway to get the recordings.

Why did BGL develop
Simple Invest 360?

Presented by BGL’s Founder and Managing Director Ron Lesh and the Head of Simple Fund 360, Matt Crofts.

Monday 26th July at 10:30 AEST

Register Now

Simple Invest 360 accounting
and tax features

Presented by Simple Invest 360 Product Manager Andrew Paszko alongside Simple Invest 360 Business Analyst, Andrew Perera.

Wednesday 11th August at 11.30 AEST

Register Now

Simple Invest 360 for
accountants and planners

Presented by Simple Invest 360 Product Manager Andrew Paszko and the Head of Simple Fund 360, Matt Crofts.

Wednesday 25th August at 10.30 AEST

Register Now

BGL Launches SMSF Auditor Panel

By BGL Update, Simple Fund 360No Comments

BGL is proud to announce the launch of the BGL SMSF Auditors Panel.

The BGL SMSF Auditors Panel will feature BGL client firms and specialist SMSF Auditors who either use the BGL API to access Simple Fund 360 data or who log into Simple Fund 360 to complete audits. The BGL Auditors Panel can be found on the BGL website or through links within Simple Fund 360.

We often get requests for recommendations of SMSF Auditors who are integrated with Simple Fund 360. So, we have decided to relaunch and rebrand our Auditors List as the BGL SMSF Auditors Panel.” says BGL Managing Director Ron Lesh. “We invite all our clients who perform SMSF audits to join!”

“Most importantly – being listed and accessing the list is FREE!” add Lesh. “That’s right, BGL is providing this list FREE for auditors to list and FREE for clients to access“.

Over the next few weeks, our clients will also see enhanced functionality for the “Send to Audit” function in Simple Fund 360. This too will be available FREE to all firms listed on the BGL Auditors Panel.  

For more information on the SMSF Auditors Panel or to be included in our list, visit www.bglcorp.com/marketplace/auditors-list