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Warren Renden

CAS 360 Product Update Release – July 2021

By BGL Update, CAS 360, Product UpdatesNo Comments

We are excited to announce a huge CAS 360 update!

Another huge release for our emerging markets with both New Zealand and Singapore getting some great new features!


Performance Enhancements for all company data screens

In this update we have been able to focus on some under the hood enhancements, including the re-writing of the company data screens. These screens are now more efficient, consistent and faster than ever.

Commas added to all numbers in CAS 360

This has been a request from a number of users over the last few years, and we’re very happy to release this. Now all numbers in CAS 360 will have the correct commas or equivalent based on the currency for $ amounts. 

CAS 360 already has industry leading features when it comes to managing share/unit structures, this will make sorting and searching this information much easier. 

Added Effective Dates

We have made improvements to all our system minutes and resolutions to now include effective dates for all transactions. 

This will make all minutes and resolutions more complete, as all effective dates are clear and consistent. This will also make it easier than ever to prepare multiple transactions with different effective dates on the same minute or resolution. 

Company Type filter added to reports

Users can now filter by company type when preparing a company listing report. This will allow more flexibility when preparing reports. For example a report listing only the foreign companies can now be prepared.  

There have been a number of other improvements including view only users are now able to download trust deeds, UI improvements to both the SMS screen and the Getting Started process. Also all register names in the reports screen have been updated. 

New Zealand

This update includes a number of new and exciting features for AML in New Zealand. 

AML Provider API

First of all we have officially released our identity verification API for identity providers to consume, over the next few weeks we will be meeting with various identity providers and working through the integration.

Our plan has always been to offer an integrated identity verification solution which allows you to use the information already in CAS 360 and get this information verified. 

AML Enhancements

We have also released a number of feature improvements to the Compliance tab for Companies, these include

  • Moved Level of CDD Required to step 4
  • Risk assessments screen enhancements
  • Added information icon to individual sections
  • Added drivers licence expiry
  • Added ability to attach extra individuals to contacts section of Compliance tab
  • Updates to Compliance Report and Compliance Listing report
  • Displaying Shareholder % next to shareholders
  • Improved PEP check logic and added to individual contact record
  • Added ability to upload utility bill or bank statement to verify address details
  • Improved UI for Risk Assessment questions
Performance Enhancements for all company data screens

In this update we have been able to focus on some under the hood enhancements, including the re-writing of the company data screens. 

These screens are now more efficient, consistent and faster than ever.

Commas added to all numbers in CAS 360

This has been a request from a number of users over the last few years, and very happy to release this. Now all numbers in CAS 360 will have the correct commas or equivalent based on the currency for $ amounts. 

CAS 360 already has industry leading features when it comes to managing share structures, this will make sorting and searching this information much easier. 

Added Effective Dates

We have made improvements to all our system minutes and resolutions to now include effective dates for all transactions. 

This will make all minutes and resolutions more complete, as all effective dates are clear and consistent. This will also make it easier than ever to prepare multiple transactions with different effective dates on the same minute or resolution. 

Company Type filter added to reports

Users can now filter by company type when preparing a company listing report. This will allow more flexibility when preparing reports. For example a report listing only the foregin companies can now be prepared.  

There have been a number of other improvements including view only users are now able to download trust deeds, UI improvements to both the SMS screen and the Getting Started process. Also all register names in the reports screen have been updated. 


AML Provider API

First of all we have officially released our identity verification API for identity providers to consume, over the next few weeks we will be meeting with various identity providers and working through the integration.

Our plan has always been to offer an integrated identity verification solution which allows you to use the information already in CAS 360 and get this information verified. 

Notice of Registrable Controllers

In this update we have added the ability to prepare the Notice of Registrable Controller for Singapore companies. This can be added from the Company Shareholders screen. 

Registrable Controller notice Types

This update includes support for 4 types of registrable controllers notices. These include

  • Notice for Controllers 386AG(2)(a)
  • Notice for Persons who knows Controllers 386AG(2)(b)
  • Notice for Change in particulars 386AH(1)
  • Notice for Incorrect Particulars 386AI(1)
Registrable Controllers Documents

This update also brings Registrable Controller Documents to CAS 360, these documents include

  • Confirmation Letter
  • Register of Registrable Controllers
  • Notice for Controllers 
    • Notice for Controllers 386AG(2)(a)
    • Notice for Persons who knows Controllers 386AG(2)(b)
    • Notice for Change in particulars 386AH(1)
    • Notice for Incorrect Particulars 386AI(1)
Shareholders quick add

The Shareholders quick add has been updated for Singapore, this now includes important information fields such as Nationality, ID Type, ID Number and the ability to add a passport. 

Register of Auditors

A new Register of Auditors Report has been added to the Company Reports screen, this new register can be prepared for any company and can be dated on any date, allowing any user to prepare the register at the date that is required. 

Performance Enhancements for all company data screens

In this update we have been able to focus on some under the hood enhancements, including the re-writing of the company data screens. 

These screens are now more efficient, consistent and faster than ever.

Commas added to all numbers in CAS 360

This has been a request from a number of users over the last few years, and very happy to release this. Now all numbers in CAS 360 will have the correct commas or equivalent based on the currency for $ amounts. 

CAS 360 already has industry leading features when it comes to managing share structures, this will make sorting and searching this information much easier.

Added Effective Dates

We have made improvements to all our system minutes and resolutions to now include effective dates for all transactions. 

This will make all minutes and resolutions more complete, as all effective dates are clear and consistent. This will also make it easier than ever to prepare multiple transactions with different effective dates on the same minute or resolution.

Other improvements

There have been a number of other improvements made to CAS 360 Singapore, these include updating company dates when an Annual Return payment has been completed, improvements to the Register of Nominee Directors, improvements to the Annual Return Listing Report, new validations on the Auditors screen, Improved AGM & Annual Return date calculator, ACRA Company Extracts will now import the financial year end date and enhancements to the ‘Getting Started UI’. 

CAS 360 Software Update Release June 2021

By BGL Update, CAS 360No Comments

There is no other way to describe this release… It’s a whopper! In CAS 360 Version 65 we bring a heap of new features across Australia and New Zealand while completing our Open Beta feature set for CAS 360 Singapore.

Custom Sender Email Address

You can now use a specific email address when sending emails from CAS 360!

Since the launch of CAS 360 all emails have been sent from [email protected], now you have the ability to use your own email address to have the emails sent from. 

The feature does require some setup and we have provided a help article here >>>

The feature does also have a once-off setup cost of $550 inc GST.

New Document Listing Report

You can now export a listing of all Documents inside CAS 360 at the click of a button!

This export will allow you to download a .csv file, once you have opened the file in MS Excel you will be able to use all the powerful filtering and sorting features in MS Excel to create the document listing report of your dreams.

Trust Distributions

We know it’s that time of year so we have developed a number of new features for discretionary trust distributions to help you complete this work quickly and efficiently!

Specify order – For all three distributions types ‘$’, ‘%’ and ‘Free Text’ distributions you can specify an order on each income component, this order will then be used when preparing the distribution resolution. 

In addition to this, you can now add the same beneficiary twice, when they are receiving two amounts for the same income type. The ‘Free Text’ field has been expanded, and more merge fields have been added so you can make the distribution resolutions look perfect. 

Also if the distributions don’t change from year to year, we have now added the ability to copy a previous distribution. Simply open ‘Review Distributions’ and click ‘Copy’.

Document Review

You can now set who the email is sent from when the document has been through a review!

A new drop-down menu has been added to the email settings screen allowing the user to set the sender as the ‘preparer’ of the documents or as the ‘reviewer’ of the documents.

Dividend Enhancements

Two new improvements to preparing dividends in CAS 360 with the implementation of a new decimal places drop down and the ability to ‘set all TFNs as provided’.

We have also added ‘Manager’ to the selectable options in the Company Selection screen columns, added Trust Deeds to the Trust Documents screen, improved the UI for all system messages and now we will show the user name of the user when overwriting company data with ASIC information.