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Teagan Crozier

Simple Fund 360 and Simple Invest 360 Product Update – 30 May 2024

By BGL Update, Simple Fund 360, Simple Invest 360No Comments

We’re excited to share the latest Simple Fund 360 and Simple Invest 360 updates, which include the 2024 SMSF tax time update!

What's New?

2024 SMSF Tax Time Updates

2024 SMSF Annual Return User Interface and PDFs: The  ATO did not change the 2024 SMSF Annual Return. This release supports the new return, including for funds that have been wound up. The new Trust Income Schedule is included in this release.

New ATO Trust Income Schedule: From the 2024 income year, SMSFs receiving 1 or more distributions from trusts (including ETFs, managed funds, and stapled securities) must complete and attach a Trust Income Schedule to the SMSF Annual Return. Learn More

2024 Financial Year Wind-Ups: Wind-ups for the 2024 financial year will now print the 2024 PDF. Learn More

Lodgement Screen Update: The lodgement screen chart has been updated for 2024. Learn More

Digital Signing: Digital signing is now enabled for the 2024 SMSF Annual Return and schedules. Learn More

Fund Transfers: Support has been added for 2024 tax changes related to fund transfers. Learn More

2024 Trust Income Schedule: To accommodate the Trust Income Schedule requirements effective from the 2024 financial year, new tax component fields have been added in the following areas:

The above 2024 SMSF tax time updates are exclusively available in Simple Fund 360.

Mortgage Advice Bureau Integration
Mortgage Advice Bureau (MAB) has been added as an External Service Provider for SMSF lending solutions. Learn More

Opteon Integration
Opteon has been added as an External Service Provider for property valuations, tax depreciation schedules, insurance assessments, rental assessments and quantity surveying. Learn More

Investment Security List
The ability to add an ABN or ACN for a security has been added. This information will be used in the Trust Income Schedule. Learn More

Family Trust Election
A Family Trust Election form can now be prepared and lodged for trusts. Learn More
This feature is exclusively available in Simple Invest 360.

Plus, many more new features and improvements.

Stay tuned for future releases!

Jeevan Tokhi
General Manager of Product – Simple Fund 360, Simple Invest 360 and BGL SmartDocs 360
E: [email protected] | P: 1300 654 401
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BGL offers FREE corporate compliance training

By BGL UpdateNo Comments

BGL is proud to offer free corporate compliance training for ASIC registered agents, accountants and administrators.

“We’re excited to offer this free live training course to help those new to a company secretary role find their feet in a complex and ever-changing compliance landscape,” said Ron Lesh, BGL’s Managing Director. “BGL has over 30 years of experience in the corporate compliance space and has developed this course to share its knowledge and expertise with the community and help pave the way for the next generation of company secretaries and administrators”.

Warren Renden, Head of CAS 360 at BGL, said: “We developed CAS 360 to be the complete tool for managing company compliance requirements. This new training course will give participants an overview of company secretary duties, so they may better grasp their roles and responsibilities.”

BGL’s Company Secretary 101: A Beginner’s Guide live online training course is ideal for new ASIC registered agents, accountants and administrators or those wanting to refresh their skills and will provide attendees with an understanding of the core duties, legal responsibilities, tasks and activities of a company secretary. The course is complimentary for all and provides attendees with 2 CPD hours.

A company secretary has an essential role in governing and monitoring how a company operates to ensure the company is compliant with Australian corporate law. It involves maintaining a registered office and reporting any changes for the company to ASIC. Because of this critical role, a company secretary is subject to several legal obligations and duties.

To learn more about BGL’s Company Secretary 101: A Beginner’s Guide live online training course or to register, visit www.bglcorp.com/company-secretary-course.

24 lessons for 24 years

By BGL UpdateNo Comments

Today I turn 24 years of age at BGL!

Yes, more than 1/2 of my life! And I wouldn’t have it any other way.

As I reflect on my time, I would like to share with you my 24 lessons for 24 years.

To my BGL family members, clients, community + friends, I celebrate you today.

Excited by that which is ahead.

24 lessons for 24 years


True leadership is rare and BGL has what I would consider one of the best!


Belief is the greatest gift you can give someone.


Servanthood and humility are the foundations of leadership.


A leader’s role is to mitigate and eliminate fear and free your people for greatness.


Words have the power to inspire or destroy.


Set the stage, draw the curtain, marvel and celebrate the accomplishments of people.


Being candid with someone is the basis of trust and respect.


Relationships are the platform for trust and engagement. Trust does not just happen. It is earned.


Pull your competitors tail every now and again. It’s good fun.


When the crap hits the fan, dust yourself off, stare failure in the mirror. Don’t bow down to it or be intimidated by it. Failure doesn’t determine destiny.


Winning alone means your accomplishments are selfish.


Make every touch point with your clients, community and people remarkable.


Sacrifice is the foundation of success and growing people.


Listening is the greatest form of respect you can show to someone.


Culture doesn’t just happen. It requires a daily commitment of time and effort.


Connect people to the greater good by aligning them to the why.


Deliver to market products and services that astound your audience.


Wisdom comes from living, observing, learning, trying, failing and winning.


A lived experience is the great enabler and pathway to opportunity.


People matter. Make people feel special, connected, loved and heard. Genuinely love people.


Honour and never forget those that have invested in you to make you who are today. Honour them by doing the same with someone else.


Sorry shouldn't be the hardest word.


Passion, values, integrity cannot be taught. They are instilled in your DNA.


Nothing is permanent.