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BGL and Registry Direct streamline compliance for public companies

By September 23, 2024BGL Update, CAS 360

BGL is proud to announce integration with Registry Direct to streamline compliance requirements for listed and unlisted public companies.

The integration seamlessly connects BGL’s company, trust and ID verification management software, CAS 360 with Registry Direct—an advanced share and unit registry platform. This collaboration provides public companies with comprehensive tools to meet their complex legal obligations, including shareholder management, TFN and AIIR reporting and withholding tax calculations.

“We are excited to welcome Registry Direct to the BGL Ecosystem” said BGL’s CEO Daniel Tramontana. “This integration will help our clients simplify and centralise their compliance tasks, ensuring listed and unlisted public companies can efficiently meet their regulatory requirements. By combining the power of CAS 360 with Registry Direct’s extensive registry services, clients will experience a more streamlined, automated solution that reduces manual workloads and mitigates compliance risks.”

Steuart Roe, Managing Director at Registry Direct said: “We are thrilled to announce the launch of our integration with BGL’s CAS 360 product. This integration will simplify the process for accountants and advisers, helping them assist their listed and unlisted public company clients on the CAS 360 platform to meet their legal obligations. Specifically, Registry Direct’s platform facilitates the provision of TFN and AIIR reports to the Australian Tax Office, holding shareholder meetings and calculating resident and non-resident withholding tax for dividend payments—each a legal requirement for public companies. These and other great features on our platform perfectly complement CAS 360, creating a complete compliance and share registry solution. We are the perfect marriage.”

“With this integration, BGL clients managing listed and unlisted public companies can now seamlessly transfer data between CAS 360 and Registry Direct” added Tramontana. “This ensures synchronised data across both platforms, enabling automated ATO reporting, dividend payment calculations, and shareholder communication—all in one place.”

BGL’s API is used extensively across the industry with 400+ data feed and integration partners in the BGL Ecosystem, delivering a holistic experience to BGL clients. 

About Registry Direct

Registry Direct provides share and unit registry services and software to thousands of companies and trusts operating in Australia, from start-ups to multinationals. The platform is comprehensive, easy to use and proven by client use and demand. For more information, visit

Teagan Crozier

Author Teagan Crozier

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