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End of an era – Simple Fund Desktop team releases final tax update

On 8 July 2021, the BGL Team released the last tax update for Simple Fund Desktop. While no date for the end of Simple Fund Desktop software support has been set, this signals the upcoming end of product life for Simple Fund Desktop.

“It’s the end of an era at BGL” said BGL’s Managing Director, Ron Lesh. “Simple Fund Desktop was the market leading product for its time and even today has some sensational features many years ahead of their time.”

Launched in 1997, Simple Fund Desktop changed the game when it came to SMSF administration, offering an alternative to completing calculations in Excel and very manual and cumbersome processing and report generation through general ledger software.

However, with a number of significant changes to superannuation law in 2021, BGL made the difficult decision not to implement these changes in Simple Fund Desktop. Instead, focusing its resources and development on its award-winning cloud solution, Simple Fund 360.

“I want to thank the hundreds of people who have worked on Simple Fund Desktop at BGL over the past 24 years” says Lesh. “We should all be very proud of our achievements in paving the way for today’s SMSF administration software.”

“I also want to take this opportunity to thank the thousands of clients that put their trust in us and allowed us to come on their SMSF administration journey. We hope that we made your lives just a little bit easier and we hope we can continue to do so with Simple Fund 360” added Lesh.

BGL currently has large numbers of Simple Fund Desktop clients making the transition to Simple Fund 360 with great results. The process is simple, automated and complete ensuring all your valuable data and documents move to Simple Fund 360.

To learn about the benefits of Simple Fund 360 or find out just how easy it is to migrate from Simple Fund Desktop, reach out to your Account Manager today.

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Author BGLCorp

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