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Support your local businesses

By March 25, 2020BGL Update, Homepage, Industry

Those who know me know I am passionate about small business.

And this is the time we ALL need to be passionate about small businesses.

So I want each and every one of you to support your local businesses.

I have always supported my local coffee shops, restaurants, greengrocers, bakery, butcher, supermarkets, chemist, etc, etc. But now is the time these businesses REALLY need your help and support.

So please buy local whenever you can. Support your local businesses.

Order takeaway every day or so – and don’t use the delivery services – go and pick up the food so these businesses don’t need to pay 30-35% of your order to a delivery company.

Shop at your local supermarket.

Buy coffee.

Do everything you can to help your local community thrive.

We will come out of this. It will not be too long (I hope).

Don’t listen to the CNNs – the Crisis News Networks (like 2, 7, 9 and 10) and all those clowns from the overseas media. They are in the spin business – not the news business. They forgot what sensible reporting was a long time.

Don’t read all the crap on social media (you can read mine –  I hope you do not think it is  crap).

I know BGL clients are hurting. And I know my client’s clients’ are hurting. Let’s do all we can to support them.

And if you are working from home, check in with your team and your extended family. And be safe.

But most of all BE POSITIVE. BE UPBEAT. Positivity is infectious! Be positively infectious on the people in your lives.


Ron Lesh

Author Ron Lesh

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