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BGL is proud to partner with an Australian first: Your Wills.

By October 31, 2019BGL Update, Homepage

The team at BGL work tirelessly to provide our clients with remarkable experiences, cutting edge technology and first-class customer service.

We are constantly looking for new, innovative solutions to share within our team and throughout our client base.

We were thrilled to be partnering with Your Wills – an Australian-based company (supported by SLF Lawyers) that offers you and your clients a simple to use, straightforward solution allowing your client to cost effectively create a legally recognised Will online.

Use promotional code BGL10 at checkout for your client to receive 10% off when completing their Will.

Here’s the fast facts:

  • There are only 9 simple steps from start to finish to complete a Will.
  • No payment required until after your client has completed Step 8 – then they review and submit their Will.
  • Once complete, your client can download the PDF and print it out. Then it’s time to have their Will witnessed.
  • To officially finalise their legally binding Will, ensure they have two independent individuals (over the age of 18) witness them signing each page of their Will – including the all important very last page. Their witnesses then need to sign each page of your Will too. Done! It’s that easy!

Your Wills also offers a Will Sharing Service that allows your client to share their Will with their Executor, Accountant, Lawyer, family member/s or a trusted friend.

For clients that have a more complicated situation, you can refer them directly to SLF Lawyers -Your Wills supporting law firm. SLF Lawyers have offices around Australia.

We often hear stories of issues locating a Will after the passing of a loved one. A Will should not be completed once and filed away in a drawer where no one can find it. Your Wills gives you the option of storing your client’s Will on their behalf. This then creates a link between intergenerational wealth because the client’s descendants will request your services to access the most recent copy of your client’s Will.

Remember: if your client dies without a Will, the appropriate State Trustee may be able to charge a fee of up to 5.5% of the gross value of assets of the Estate. In some instances, this maybe more or slightly less.

See link why you need a Will:

Watch our Adviser Tutorial today:

Got questions? Your Wills has got answers:

Or if you’ve got a more specific question, get in touch: [email protected]

Where there’s a Will, there’s a way.


Author BGLCorp

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