Are you a member of CAANZ or CPA Australia ?
Would you like the return of the Accountants’ Exemption ?
The Accountants Exemption gives accountants the ability to talk about SMSFs – establishment, contributions, pensions and windups – without and AFSL or Limited AFSL.
In response to a Treasury paper which provides an option for the Accountants Exemption, your organisations have told Treasury they do not support the proposal. How OUT OF TOUCH are these organisations ?
The IPA and Tax Institute have both come out as strong supporters of this option. Again CAANZ and CPA Australia have forgotten whom they represent. Well let me remind them – ITS THE MEMBERS.
If you would like to see a return of the Accountants Exemption, please sign Institute of Public Accountants petition which will be presented to the minister next week.
And, call your membership organisation and tell them just how pissed off you are with them, I have.