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Don’t vote Labor if you have an SMSF

Written by Grant Abbott on 12 May 2019

As previously advised, the Australian Electoral Commission found a last minute minor hurdle with our registration application late on the Friday evening before PM Morrison called the election, so we were left high and dry. However the Party still lives on and will be there to fight the next election. We would have loved to have fielded some great financially wise candidates who could have fought for self funded retirees.

The election will be interesting with PM Morrison an underdog and in the typical Australian fashion we all love an underdog so he may well get up. Personally I am no fan of the Labor Party, its ties with Unions and its close allegiance and supporter the Industry Super Funds. If Labor gets in with a big mandate expect fireworks and the proposed changes to make a dent in all investment portfolios and the economy.

We promise to be there and challenging them from day one so they don’t run roughshod over our retirement and pre-retirement savings. I thank you for your support and let your heart and conscience guide you in the voting booth – just don’t vote Labor if you have a SMSF.

Grant Abbott
Party Leader, The SMSF Party


Author BGLCorp

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