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What’s new in CAS 360?

By May 4, 2018May 17th, 2018Homepage, News

Well, it certainly has been an exciting first 4 months of 2018 for CAS 360!

We have added a number of exciting new features and integrations to make completing your compliance work even easier.

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We have partnered with a number of the leading document providers to make company registrations seamless and integrated. This way, if you are using ACIS, Cleardocs, Smarter SMSF or Topdocs to set up your companies, you can now have the company pushed to CAS 360 at the click of a button. No additional data entry!

We have also added new forms over the last 4 months, including a number of foreign company forms! This means that firms managing foreign companies can now prepare ASIC Forms 407, 409 and 489. We have also added ASIC form 2205 which is a notification of resolutions regarding shares.

Check here what else is new:

Email Tracking / Notifications

Email is at the heart of CAS 360, while delivering of documents and notifications is the key of company secretarial work.  With this in mind and after a great team effort, we can now ensure all emails are completely tracked in CAS 360 through the Outbox screen, which basically shows all the emails your firm has sent via CAS 360.

In other words, CAS 360 now has an individual recipient email tracking, allowing users to see who the email was sent to, and if the email has been delivered. If the email fails, the user will also be notified per recipient. Additionally, if a re-send email to new recipients is needed, it’s very easy to send it! Plus, we have added more features and functions in order to pass through spam filters and reach your clients inbox.

Annual Review Deadline Alert

CAS 360 users can now track the Annual Review for each client once it has been processed and sent to the client. Users will see the Document Deadline Alert also include the Annual Review Deadline. The automated Annual Review alert will appear 30 days before the due date of the Review and the user can also see if the Annual Review fee is still outstanding with ASIC.

The greatest benefit of this new feature, is that with the click of a button you can send your client an Annual Review reminder email, with the documents and invoice attached.  Once you have received the Annual Review back, you can mark the Annual Review as completed, from within the alert and move on to another task!

Deactivated Companies

Users can now set a company as deactivated in CAS 360. This will remove the company from the companies list. When a company is deactivated it is not deleted. Users can go into the Deactivated Companies screen and restore the company, this will restore all company details and all company documents.

Users can also see their subscription breakdown by clicking on the ‘Subscription Details’ button in the deactivated companies screen.

New Members Register

We have released a new Members register. The new register uses our MS Word templates and allows users greater flexibility and customisation. Users can change the existing template, and have unlimited templates of their own.

Users can also export the register out to MS Word and make one off changes.

We have also added the ability to prepare a full members register, or only a top 20 members register.

To view these features and many more please look at the video below:


Author BGLCorp

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