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CAS 360 turns 1!

By February 22, 2018April 27th, 2018Homepage, News
CAS 360

Today marks one year since the release of CAS 360 and WOW what a year it has been!

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The last 12 months have been incredibly busy for the entire BGL Team, we have:

  • Released 28 new updates packed full of features to make completing company compliance requirements easier than ever before!
  • On-boarded almost 900 accounting firms
  • Added almost 200,000 companies to the platform (97,230 were migrated from CAS Desktop)
  • Added 1,476,137 documents to the platform
  • Added integrations with DocuSign, Xero Practice Manager and Simple Fund 360
  • Released our open API allowing for integrations with Topdocs, Cleardocs, Smarter SMSF, ACIS and many more!

We started working on CAS 360 back in 2014. We knew from our experience with Simple Fund 360 that building a new product from initial design all the way through to public release is an incredibly labour intensive process.

We also knew that building an exact replica of CAS Desktop simply wouldn’t cut it. We set our goal on making a product that was 10 times better.

We were up for the challenge because we believed that we could make a beautiful product that transformed company secretarial work.

Below is a comparison from our wireframe (left) companies screen to the finished product (right):

CAS 360

Our next 12 months are set to be even more exciting, we have a roadmap full of amazing features that will allow your firm to grow the services you provide to your clients and to complete existing work quicker than ever before. All while still having fun. We are just getting started.

I and the entire BGL team are incredibly grateful for the contributions of a number of CAS 360 users. These are the users that keep us up thinking about features all night, make our meetings go longer than they should and make us all giddy with excitement on release night.

We do this for you, and we hope we are making your jobs easier.


Author BGLCorp

More posts by BGLCorp

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  • Laneth says:

    Happy birthday and anniversary, and congratulations to a brilliant team that brought this product to life! It has changed the face of compliance work so much.

    I have to say it’s incredible that *over half* the companies brought on board weren’t previously CAS Desktop companies! That’s awesome news, but also means that us users have a ways to go in assisting your conversion rate 😉

    Honestly, update nights are the best nights, especially since we have no idea what’s coming! It’s bizarre to be excited about software, but when you’re entire job depends upon it, it takes up a special place in one’s heart. Well done to all at BGL!

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