By Gary Chau, Lawyer, and Daniel Butler, Director, DBA Lawyers.
We have had numerous queries about the proportioning rule over recent times. A common query is how does the proportioning rule apply and how do you calculate the tax free and taxable components in a superannuation benefit.
We have had numerous queries about the proportioning rule over recent times. A common query is how does the proportioning rule apply and how do you calculate the tax free and taxable components in a superannuation benefit. This article is to assist you understand the fundamentals of this rule.
As a starting point, think of the proportioning rule as a sort of integrity measure that prevents the ‘cherry picking’ of the tax free and taxable components when a payment is made from superannuation. At its core, the proportioning rule provides that the tax free and taxable components of a benefit are taken to be paid in the same proportion as the tax free and taxable components of the member’s interest from which the benefit came (s 307-125(2) of the Income Tax Assessment Act 1997 (Cth) (‘ITAA 1997’)).
Terminology — key definitions
To be able to fully understand the proportioning rule, you first need to know the meaning of the following terms that are used in s 307-125 of the ITAA 1997: ‘superannuation income stream’, ‘superannuation interest’, ‘superannuation benefit’, ‘tax free component’ and ‘taxable component’.
Please note these terms can have different meanings in other legislation. We have primarily focused on the definitions of the terms used in s 307-125 of the ITAA 1997 from a taxation perspective and where relevant, we will also discuss each term’s meaning in superannuation law.
Superannuation income stream
Broadly, the term ‘superannuation income stream’ in the ITAA 1997 means ‘a pension for the purposes of the Superannuation Industry (Supervision) Act 1993 (Cth) (‘SISA’) in accordance with subregulation 1.06(1) of the Superannuation Industry (Supervision) Regulations 1994 (Cth) (‘SISR’)’. For ease of reference, we will use the term pension under the SISA to also refer to ‘superannuation income streams’.
Superannuation interest
The term ‘superannuation interest’ is a tax concept in the ITAA 1997 and essentially refers to either a member’s accumulation or pension interests. More technically, the ITAA 1997 provides that ‘every amount, benefit or entitlement that a member holds in a self-managed superannuation fund is to be treated as 1 superannuation interest in the superannuation fund’ (reg 307‑200.02 of the Income Tax Assessment Regulations 1997 (Cth) (‘ITAR’)). For reference, most SMSF members only have one interest in an SMSF, ie, their accumulation interest. However, this definition can get tricky when you consider the superannuation definition. For instance, the SISR provides that an amount that supports a pension is treated as a separate superannuation interest — meaning each pension gives rise to a separate superannuation interest. Another way to explain it is as follows, each SMSF member will have one interest per pension and one accumulation interest.
Superannuation benefit
The term ‘superannuation benefit’ means a payment from a superannuation fund to a member (eg, broadly this refers to payments from a superannuation fund to the member in the form of a lump sum or pension payments) (s 307‑5 of the ITAA 1997).
Generally, each superannuation interest of a member in a superannuation fund consists of the ‘tax free’ and ‘taxable’ components (although in some cases, the proportioning rules do not apply where one component may be nil and the other 100%).
Tax free component
The ‘tax free component’ includes the contributions segment and the crystallised segment. The contributions segment generally includes all contributions made after 30 June 2007 that have not been, and will not be, included in your fund’s assessable income. The contributions segment is made up of what is commonly known as non‑concessional contributions (and also includes the CGT exempt component, superannuation co-contribution benefits, and contribution splitting benefits). Whereas, the crystallised segment broadly includes numerous tax free components that existed prior to 30 June 2007 and are becoming increasingly uncommon.
Taxable component
The ‘taxable component’ is broadly the total value of the member’s superannution interest less the value of the tax free component. Contributions that would form part of the taxable component are generally amounts included in the assessable income of the fund. Broadly, the taxable component consists of concessional contributions and earnings and capital appreciation from investments in the fund.
When do you calculate the tax free and taxable components?
The value of the superannuation interest and the amount of tax free and taxable components of the member’s interest is determined as follows:
- Determine whether the benefit is a lump sum or a pension.
- Work out the total value of the superannuation interest and the proportion of tax free and taxable components as at the applicable time, which means:
- if the benefit is a lump sum — just before the benefit is paid; or
- if the benefit is a pension — on the date the pension commences. (In other words, you lock in the proportion of the tax free and taxable components on the date the pension commences, and future growth and earnings are shared proportionally between these components.)
- Apply the same proportions to the amount of benefit paid (this part is the essence of the proportioning rule).
Consequences of the proportioning rule
Proportioning rule when a pension is commenced
In an accumulation interest, the tax free component is normally comprised of a static amount (ie, the crystallised segment and the contributions segment). Whereas, the taxable component can change every day as the investments supporting the superannuation interest fluctuate with investment markets and earnings (or losses) accrue in some cases on a daily basis.
However, when a pension is commenced with a certain proportion of a tax free component and the pension assets increase over time, the tax free component will effectively grow. This is because at the time of paying pension benefits, the proportioning rule will use the same proportion of tax free component that was locked in at the commencement of that pension.
To illustrate how the proportioning rule works, in practice, in respect of pensions, look at the following example:
Accordingly, the following general rules should be noted:
- Where assets are going to increase in value, the tax free component is maximised by commencing a pension sooner rather than later (locking in the tax free component to grow proportionately).
- Where assets are going to decrease in value, the tax free component is maximised by commencing a pension later rather than sooner (allowing the decrease in assets to erode the taxable component).
Proportioning rule with an accumulation interest
To illustrate further the above general rules about the proportioning rule, consider the following:
As the above example shows, there is no change to the tax free component if investments in the accumulation interest increase in value. Hence, the decision to commence a pension with some or all of a member’s benefits at the right time can make a significant difference to a member’s interest over the course of time.
A sound understanding of the proportioning rule is important as it is forms the basis of many strategies that leverage off it. For example, where there is a significant tax free component, the pension should generally be commenced as soon as practicable for a member where the fund expects to see some growth in the value of its assets. Further, when a member is contributing or rolling back a pension into accumulation, stay alert to the effect on what will happen to the tax free and taxable components — since these two components cannot be separated to maximise each client’s position once these amounts are mixed together.
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This article is for general information only and should not be relied upon without first seeking advice from an appropriately qualified professional. The above does not constitute financial product advice. Financial product advice can only be obtained from a licenced financial adviser under the Corporations Act 2000 (Cth).
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